Kamala / Walz 2024

I was assuming so. I don’t see why not.

If I’m wrong, then yes, absolutely keep him in the governor’s seat.

You also have to factor in that if you win it’s likely gonna be a tough year for Ds in 2026 so they’ll probably get waxed in NC no matter what. That said I don’t think it absolutely has to be Cooper, but I think it’s a silly argument that you need to keep him preserved in amber for a Senate seat that might be out of reach no matter who runs for it.

Only part of the reason I don’t want him.

He’s kinda old and adds nothing of value (that I can see) to the ticket that others don’t do as well or better.

Still, why are you not interested in Pete? Why are you trying to pull someone without a national profile as Veep?

Yeah I totally get that. I imagine it’s gonna be some generic white guy to “balance the ticket” or whatever but we’re flush with those so whichever one they wanna pick that doesn’t come with a high cost is good with me.

I would have no problem with Pete. He’s not my first choice, but he’s probably in the top 5.

I think someone without a big national profile is not a hindrance, especially if they have executive experience.

Why is executive experience noteworthy? That person is not replacing Kamala.

Shapiro is a popular governor of the most important state, if he wants it, it’s a no brainer if you assume he delivers PA

If scared if Jew thing or if he doesn’t want it, idk

Just because I appreciate how Yiggy has maintained this bit for almost a decade, I say we give O’Malley a shot.


  • Generic good looking white guy
  • Executive experience
  • Current head of Social Security Administration so could just hammer Republicans as the party that always wants to mess with the program and force folks to work longer.
  • Doesn’t cost a key Senate vote or purple state governor
  • Inspired a character on The Wire, which is kinda cool.

Hear me out here, what about Tim Kaine? He’s never lost an election! (except that one time)

What about hilldawg, so we get to see her seething with barely restrained rage at every campaign event where they make her say “I’m with her” every time.


If we could step into a pocket universe, I would like to see her campaign go fully unhinged. None of this go to my website stuff, just calling Trump a lying rapist who loves to rape.


because we dont want Kamala to be assassinated

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That would only happen after she won. I mean it would definitely happen but who cares at that point.

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I think O’Malley badly underwhelmed when he ran for president way back. But then being boring could be a plus for a VP.



Joe Biden

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He does have experience…

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