Kamala / Walz 2024

Man, I wish all of this combined had a non zero chance of happening

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I didnā€™t think so. My post was more inspired by bigt2k4ā€™s post, but I guess I was trying to not get into a fight about it with them.

I am shocked, SHOCKED that Palinā€™s magnanimity didnā€™t last very long.


I believe the word theyā€™re looking for is misogynist.

You misspelled Benghazi and emails

See what Iā€™m talking about?

(maybe thatā€™s mostly in the other thread - about culty party members - and no Iā€™m not talking to you econophile, Iā€™m talking about you)


Biden needs to post more thirst traps to reach out to younger voters

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Canā€™t imagine being a sucker big enough to defend Joe Biden on this shit lol


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Hold up. Setting aside that this is a ā€œresponseā€ to an unrelated comment from several months ago, based on what you posted he is, in fact, including these proposals that ā€œthe Warren peopleā€ want? And thatā€™s a big red flag that ā€¦ uh, something something?


It was the ā€œdonā€™t read too much into itā€ part.

Public banks are cool, but we donā€™t really need the damned feds.

Sorry to dig up old posts, but I came across this tweet today that reminded me of this exchange. We are not going to push Biden left after heā€™s elected, and he has nothing but disdain for us and the policies we want.


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Did you read it? His advisers are privately saying that itā€™s all just bullshit to keep the Warren people off his back. You were defending Bidenā€™s comments as if he was actually going to change something. Just pointing out that behind closed doors, his team is laughing at people who think this.

Lol literally did not see that you had already posted the link here.

Sure is interesting that bankers are able to push Biden where they want him by threatening to withhold support. Shouldnā€™t they be backing him no matter what, donā€™t they know how bad Trump is? Donā€™t they know this is the most important election of their lives? They should be voting blue no matter who and not caring about his policies! /sarcasm

Imagine if people that wanted to move Biden left post-election were willing to threaten the same thing. Seems to work quite well.


Seems like many of them are.

Depends what you mean by ā€œmanyā€. Right now that ā€œmanyā€ isnā€™t enough that it shows up in the polling.

Currently, Biden is pandering to banksters, the wealthy, and right leaning ā€œundecidedā€ voters. Imagine if he was polling 5-10 points lower and the majority of the undecided voters were left leaning.

I guess I donā€™t understand the logic behind essentially pledging my vote to a candidate months before the election. Especially, when that candidate hasnā€™t promised to deliver anything to me other than not being Trump. Channeling Chris Rock: Iā€™m not a low-expectation-having mfā€™er, youā€™re supposed to be better than Trump. I demand more than that if you want me to say Iā€™m voting for you two months prior to election day.


Youā€™re not this stupid and youā€™re not going to convince people you are.

Iā€™m definitely not stupid enough to think whatever it is you are imagining I am thinking. Congrats - I know that counts as an argument won in your world!

Thereā€™s nothing to win because weā€™re not arguing. They stated plainly that they were only paying lip service to the Warren proposals with no intention of following through and you stated plainly that you didnā€™t seem to understand it. To which I said I donā€™t believe that you donā€™t understand it.

I mean, if you were to insist that you donā€™t understand it that would be an argument and I admit one I didnā€™t foresee.