Kamala / Walz 2024

Come on now, I know you want to stick it to the Bros but don’t be marks.

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If somebody asked me who to pick to excite the Jew-hating base I’d say, boy, what you wanna do is get yourself a Nazi, then you’d really be cooking!

You’ve gone completely off the rails lately. Maybe take a break. I know the feeling.

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There is an awesome part though. The Lads are having conniption fits:




You might be right, but here I’m just making an incredibly benign point about an incredibly benign situation.

They were never even really considering her for VP and the Lads are trolling themselves.

Are these the toxic Bernie supporters I have heard so much about?








Lol (all) democrats.

And sucking votes away from Bernie during the primary when everybody else but Biden and Sanders dropped out before dropping out herself.

She destroyed Bloomberg, that’s why she stayed in. If she hadn’t you literally could be looking at nominee Bloomberg right now. She made no difference on Bernie’s chances, none.

How does it make any sense to say she stayed because she destroyed Bloomberg? What is the logical connection? She felt so good about getting those burns in on the debate stage that she had to keep running?

I have no insider knowledge, but probably she stayed in because Klob and Pete dropped out, and the possibility that she would win a bunch of their voters was reasonable based on second choice polling, although obviously it didn’t turn out that way.

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She made Bloomberg not viable for delegates or massively reduced delegates in several states prior to Super Tuesday and on Super Tuesday. It’s not a vote thing, it’s a delegate thing. He would have been viable without her.

Ok and what does that have to do with her staying in the race?

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You realize if you don’t hit 15 percent of the vote you don’t get delegates right? If she had left the race, Bloomberg for sure gets more than 15 percent of the vote meaning he has real momentum. She completely spoiled his campaign because she hates Bloomberg.

In several places Bloomberg was just below the 15 percent line.

So good

Lol, why did I bother? It is not possible to have a reasonable conversation with you. You don’t care about data, logic, history, anything at all. You have a feeling, then commit to it 100%, and then act like everyone else is an idiot for disagreeing. You’re doing the same thing to cuse in the other thread.

For the record, polling shows that Warren takes almost no votes from Bloomberg. It is not reasonable to say that she stayed in the race to cost Bloomberg literally 0.3 points.


Whatever you say dude.

Re the ad I’m seeing on this page: Stand with Kamala Harris against Mike Pence? That’s not how our government works.

I think you missed the 28th amendment about the monthly VP jello wrestling match.