Kamala / Walz 2024

I wasn’t even ‘accused’ of anything. I took issue with your claim to agree completely with the left. You don’t have any way to make a positive case for that claim, so you deflected to nonsense equating me to Trump, which is almost always your first instinct because you mistakenly believe it to have considerable rhetorical weight. When I adroitly ignored this first spurt of squid-ink, you pivoted to another favourite tactic of moving the goalposts. You just stopped responding when I pointed that out.


I’m sure it’s already reciprocal but I officially put watevs, Flynn, Sabo and victoar on ignore again. That should reduce the frequency of Clovis insanity around here. :grin:

I actually like 6ix even though he tilts me sometimes. He is right a lot too.

Good. It’s a lot less tiresome to just rebut you with no mendacious back-sass.


If Charlotte Clymer likes someone, I don’t.

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@PocketChads is this more the perspective you are describing?



Man, that is a haunting tweet.

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I’m trying to put myself in Chad’s shoes. I am outraged about plenty, but a lot of it is so vague and unformed that sometimes, I accept the feelings but don’t know if they’re rational. Whereas PC has articulated persuasively and eloquently plenty to be outraged about in mind and spirit.

Just working on some empathy :+1:


Here are my thoughts by category, ranked highly scientifically out of 10 with 10 being will happen and 1 being never.

All of this assumes dems take everything.

SCOTUS: 10. Biden nominations will be young and relatively progressive. Zero chance they stack the court.

institutionalized racism: 9. I think it is very likely they pass some measures to fund outreach and education programs and work to dismantle some of the racist laws on the books.

Healthcare for more: 10. He will expand Obamacare and get more people covered.

UHC: 0.5. Near lock to not advance much. He might do some minor things to reduce the power of the insurance lobby.

Law and order: 5. Little chance they do anything to the power of cops. In fact they could increase it. Much higher chance they do something about mass incarceration.

Voting rights: 8. I think they pass some legislation to strengthen voter enfranchisement.

Constitutional guard rails: 7. They likely pass laws like tax form release and around emoluments and nepotism.

Military: 0. They do nothing to reduce the military.

LGBTQ rights: 7. They fight cases and laws aimed at reducing marriage and other rights.

Separation of church and state: 0 they do nothing to rebuild what trump has destroyed.

Immigration: 8. They pass a permanent version of DACA and clean up some immigration laws. ICE is not touched.

Foreign policy: 10. They rebuild the US role in the world including things like aid and membership in global communities like the WTO and WHO.

Climate change: 4. They put back some of the pre trump protections but do little else of real value. This one is really bad.

Overall maybe 6/10 is my guess.

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Read the tweet again, but imagine he’s not wearing his glasses this time and see if you still agree.

I actually am having trouble following this. Could you give an example or two? No problem if it needs to be hypothetical.

That makes sense. Thank you.

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Well we are on the same page that Biden is unlikely to do anything substantive regarding:

  1. Military Industrial complex & endless wars
  2. Climate change
  3. Mass incarceration
  4. UHC

Seperate from that, the following has helped me understand how it is that you consider yourself progressive.

If you close your own Overton window to block out what you call “purists”(defined as AFAICT- people more than 2 steps to the left of you); it can make you feel mighty progressive, while confusing the heck out of me. Glad that’s cleared up.



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That’s not at all fair. I block disingenuous posters, not those left of me. I don’t block tababker, pocket, 6ix, micro, one, nobody, ggoreo or the many others who would be left of me.

Also because I am right of the top 1% but instead in the top 5% I’m still pretty comfortable calling myself progressive.

You staked out your spot in the forum ecosystem as the #NotAllBillionaires guy.

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Fowler School of Law hahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahha :joy:

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Election day as a national holiday is a stupid idea. Expanding early voting way more important.

Automatic registration is a good idea.

While we’re on the subject of voting enfranchisement (and something that would tick of some other important boxes too), how about statehood for PR and DC?

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