Kamala / Walz 2024

I hope Kamala never forgets how Kavanaugh ruined the lives of the women he sexually assaulted. I hope she brings it up every time she sees him. I hope his tears are as blue as the Pacific ocean. I hope.


Can you stop your use of posting “trump playbook” any time someone disagrees with you? These are the most counter productive posts on this forum and you do it nearly every day.


still can’t wrap my head around how his life would’ve been ruined. He would’ve had to pay the nationals tickets instead of someone else?

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how would a VP have that sort of power in the … oh

oh wait, here’s a new line of attack!


Wow, I had been feeling pretty lukewarm about voting for a Biden/Harris ticket, but I think that was a spark!

Gonna be a goddamn landslide if this is the best they’ve got

Liz “Baby Dick” Cheney should go on a hunting trip with her dad.

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I honestly don’t think the Trump team was expecting the kind of excitement I’m seeing for Biden/Harris. Political twitter, all my FB groups, even the folks in the thing I hosted last night with our local candidate, everyone is talking about it. The pick was really an adrenaline shot, more than I think even the dems were expecting.

Those 1-day fundraising numbers have to be scaring the GOP shitless.


These people think Homer/Bart are the heroes of the show.



The hero is clearly Maggie. After all, she shot Mr. Burns.


The world view of some people just astounds me. They see Homer Simpson, Walter White, Tony Soprano and every other popular anti hero/ as a hero because theyre goddamn morons.


I was told that we should always do the opposite of what Trump wants. Him saying she’d be a fine VP pick and now he’s cowering in silly misogyny memes has shattered my worldview.

(Just a little light trolling to a few people, though I think I have them all on ignore so flame away back at me :upside_down_face:)

They’re just going to phone in their Hillary playbook. Above all, like the media, right-wing media grifter types are lazy as hell.


the difference is, they haven’t had 30 years to plant smears and whispers and insidiously work their insults into our collective conscience like they did for Hillary.


I only do this when someone actually uses his playbook not when they disagree with me.

Last night I used it when Flynn did the old “I’m accused of x so I accuse you of x” play. It’s classic trump playbook.

If people use his playbook I will call it out as I’d expect them to do to me.

If you’re spending considerable time attacking the VP choice you’re in a bad place.

I think in general this thread is way too pessimistic about November but understand that is much easier for me to say as a Canadian. I face 1% of the repercussions if another upset happens.

Those speeches were great! Can’t wait for her to pound trump into the dust in every speech.

Anyone taken in by this speech who thinks Biden gives a flying one about the hopes of little black and brown girls is a fucking idiot.

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