Kamala / Walz 2024

DC statehood is in HR1 right?

I think that was part of it.

And a more standalone DC Admissions Act (HR51) has already passed in the House.


Why is it stupid?

Even if we make it possible to vote online I still like the idea of a national holiday.

Because it’s doing nothing under the guise of doing something.

It won’t actually make it easier to vote for all the people for whom this is intended to help (mostly service workers).

It’ll just be another Black Friday/Memorial Day/Labor Day/etc. sales event.

It’s not a stupid idea. It’s at worst electorally neutral, but hey at least you give working people a holiday. Most of the OECD countries have a holiday or weekend election days. We can’t do weekend because the day is set in the Constitution iirc.

The House passed DC statehood a little after HR1, although I think HR1 had some vague supportive language. They never did PR.

I’ve read conflicting things about admitting a new state. The Constitution seems to allow a simple majority in each chamber of Congress. Doesn’t even require the President. But then I read elsewhere you need 2/3 of both chambers of Congress to admit a state. Hopefully some lawbros chime in to clear this up.

I don’t know why you block other people. You block me because I consistently embarrass you without being uncivil in a way that allows you to berate me for it. You have no means of dealing with that.

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Looking forward to the next Trump rally where ghost Herman Cain can explain his disapproval of the VP selection in more depth.



Liz Cheney is a Nazi sympathizer who would cook and serve the flesh of immigrant children to like-minded guests at dinner parties. That’s why I’m voting #Biden2020.


Whilst I catch up on today’s posts can get a rundown on the official Purity Canon?

Is there like a The Silmarillion for the Purity Universe?

TBF let me point something out: True, nothing we say here “matters” in that sense. This is like a pub or social club for friends/aquaintences/mortal enemies! and the dynamics are different than if we were more public-facing.

However, people get justifiably upset because one’s posting can be indicative of their offline behavior. I could say “man I hope trump wins” and either simply be sharing my dark secret thoughts, or, confessing to actively campaigning for him to make the secret desire a reality.

So, I get it.

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huge if true


dammit i thought everybody went home for the night but cookie greg was hiding behind the pool table

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This is peak ambien time among other things

So you’re mad I still punch you in the face every other time I see you on the street?

Stop being a little bitch.

I like how the subtext of the drivel from hyperpseudowoke musings from gentleman and scholar clovis8 is essentially telling TP to stop being little bitches.

That was like calling a pot-sized raise in PLO with 9933r because it can make TWO sets

Just tell me that wasn’t Biden.


Man what in the world do you think this whole affair, this whole black-faces-in high-places, “o hellz ya let’s get a female POC VP” business, is, if not a stupid, glorified, disgusting minstrel show?

And Harris doesn’t care! She’s a fucking sociopath careerist who’ll shuck and jive even harder now if that’s what it takes!

p.s. Fun fact: Some minstrel shows actually thought they were doing good work. No bullshit. The thinking was, with slavery ending and black folks branching out, coming up north and going out west and every which way, it’d be better for both black and white folks if former slaves weren’t viewed as industrious, smart, dangerous brutes hellbent on revenge but rather as simple, lazy people who only care about dancing and singing and hanging out in the watermelon patch.

I’ve always found that really fascinating.


Expanding that a little, the whole nomination and election campaigns are run as little more than cabaret shows for the delectation of the media and its audience, now featuring a special guest spot for its new minstrel to get the parts of the crowd hitherto unmoved by the grotesque spectacle cheering and waving their flags.

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