Kamala / Walz 2024

That’s to the left of what Trump has done, but that isn’t what I was asking.

Like if someone wants to label themselves progressive, to me that means at a minimum they should want policies that are more progressive than what Obama delivered. What progressive policy can we expect Biden/Harris to expend political capital on?

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I think he’s only marginally more progressive than Obama. I’ll take a 3rd Obama term over giving Trump a 2th term.

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I’m genuinely interested. I see people advocating to vote Joe because of how bad Trump is. Once Trump is gone that argument kinda loses all its power. So, what do you think Biden will do that is progressive?

In 2016 there were about 5.2 million votes, 375k by mail, 1.4 million early voting. Early voting is the best because there’s never a line and usually starts 2 weeks before the election. Of course this year a lot more will vote by mail but you can already request the mail in ballot online in less than 5 minutes (don’t need any reason why) and they will be mailed out in September.

I was using catface’s phrasing to make a point about the post that literally immediately preceded his. There have been plenty others I could have “drudged up” but it’s not as if I was non-sequituring or anything. Had one other poster not snuck (sneaked?) in ahead of me, my post would have been using the post right before mine to comment about the post two before mine.

It’s a big problem that everyone wants their president to be even more of a monarch than the last.

How many people here would cheer if Biden packed the court and they turned around and declared Obama to be president for two more terms because the Republicans cheated?


getting back to the actual thread purpose…not sure who came up with this but I’ve already seen several of these (and not just from the right) on social media.

The Kamala Harris Racism/sexism bingo card


It might be hard to find things that he will do that will fit the definition of “progressive”, but I think it’s fair to assume that he will do plenty of things that will be more progressive than Trump. If we luckbox into a Dem house and Senate, then every time Biden signs a bill that Trump would have vetoed, then Biden will have done something more progressive.

If he expands health care, raises the minimum wage, signs environmental legislation, etc., those moves might not rise to the level of progressive, but again, progressive compared to what, I guess?


Are you dense? You drudged up “lol Biden and Trump are the same”. Catface didn’t say that. And the catface post that you were immitating was talking about something that was being discussed. (accepting that progress takes time specifically in regards to M4A)

You don’t read well or I don’t write well. Sorry if it’s the latter, but I already explained it.

I’ve got 2nd horizontal as the fastest line filled, with 2nd vertical not far behind.

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Ok, mea culpa. I didn’t read Mikeyoke’s tweet.


I’m not in the camp you describe, but they would pass Nancy Pelosi’s HR1 (election reform and voting rights, makes Election Day a national holiday) which all House Dems voted for. Even a cynical view holds they will pass this because it entrenches Dem power.

I await my pillorying, but I think they’d also raise the federal minimum wage significantly. A six year build to $15/hour, which is then indexed to inflation, passed the House with only five Dem defections. $15/hour is also in the new party platform which is mostly very centrist, but now more left positions are becoming mainstream.


Perhaps I’m not being explicit enough. My (admittedly very low) expectations of a Dem president assume that they will not nominate RW ghouls to the courts or veto legislation that Trump would have vetoed.

Once Trump is out and Biden is in:

What policies do you believe Biden/Harris will actually expend political capital on that take us even one inch left of where we were January 16, 2017?

Who said that they will?

OK, I understand your question better now and think it’s valid. And/but to curtail this derail, you’re conceding that what I’ve quoted here is already a substantial improvement over Trump, right? Sometimes that doesn’t feel conceded by posters here and I think that’s also part of the pointless back and forth that keep happening.

(edit to clarify: by “derail” I don’t mean your question I mean my response to it).

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It’s a perfectly valid response to say that you don’t believe that they will.

My question flows from earlier where clovis(a self-identified progressive) was claiming that other posters were essentially purity testing Biden because they think Biden wouldn’t advance what they see as their progressive positions.

Sure, but there’s good reason why they wouldn’t forget the one that entrenches their power, as mentioned. About the minimum wage, feel free to be skeptical.

Very interesting post.

Apparently Anthony Rendon - speaker of the CA state Assembly - blocked it last time it came up.


And Newsom says that we can’t afford it anymore.


Biden can buy some votes




Haven’t read article because lol paywall