Kamala / Walz 2024

Biden and Trump are not the same. Trump is much worse. One similarity is that neither are capable of or interested in enacting the kind of fundamental change in things like healthcare, criminal justice, foreign intervention, and economic justice that are needed to restore some level of justice and fairness.

I assume we all agree on my first two sentences, but clearly we do not all agree on the third sentence. That’s why we argue about that one.


I agree with your point 100% but even if Bernie had won he’d have been handcuffed by congress and special interest groups. We need a hell of lot more change outside of just the presidency to be able to get things done quickly.

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i believe we are agreeing here, Biden sucks but short of violent revolution, its the best we have for now. I’m still all for Biden bashing.

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Horrible that you were even put in a position to have to defend yourself like this. It’s like the Democratic Party is a cult and you have to prove your loyalty.


Despite how I almost couldn’t dream up a worse possible ticket than this (which is why it was inevitable), I find myself rooting for Biden/Kamala (indirectly) even more than I was rooting for Bernie.

If this election is as fair as previous ones, then Biden is almost a lock to win; rigging/cheating is just about the only way he’ll lose. However, I have a strong fear of exactly that in the form of mail-in ballot shenanigans, as there already were in NYC of all places. Combine this with the fact that Biden voters are taking Covid more seriously and will be more likely to vote by mail than Trump voters. I feel like we’re little more than a coinflip to have an election that isn’t outright stolen, and not just stolen out of a razor-thin victory like Gore, but stolen out of a blowout victory.

Are my fears overblown? Do you guys think we should urge all able-bodied voters to vote in person (wearing masks)? I’m not saying machines can’t be rigged, but that seems less likely and if we’re at that point then the game is already over anyway.


Mail in ballots can be dropped off in in drop boxes in a lot of places . So that should be encouraged if people dont want to do in person voting.

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You are exactly right which is why holding your nose and voting Biden, even in states where “it doesn’t matter” is so important.

This is the exact expression pol bettors on 22 used four years ago. Some of them picking up all the “free money” haven’t been seen since.

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Not sure I’m following the logic flow to get to here.

In NH ballots have to either be mailed or handed to someone at town hall. Yesterday I waited 15 minutes to return my completed primary ballot in the same line where people were registering to vote, paying their car registration, etc.

For the general I’ll just mail it at the town post office. Ill have to trust the post office to take it from the drop slot and get it to the town hall’s P.O. box.

you might want to ask your post office if they sort there or have to send it to a bigger “hub” to get sorted. The PO in my town doesn’t sort, so even if I drop off letters that are for someone on my street, the letter gets trucked down to San Diego, sorted there, then trucked back up. Adds a day (probably 2 now with the fuckery) to the arrival time.

I assume at least the local mail is sorted, since they have a separate mail slot inside the lobby for local mail.

This helps with the USPS/postmark related shenanigans. I am very concerned about things like poll workers challenging signatures on mail in/drop off ballots. If I lived in, say, Wisconsin or Florida I would absolutely vote in person.

“It doesn’t matter” is predicated on polling. It doesn’t account for cheating. We need landslides to counter cheating.

Agree with what you are saying but is anyone here supremely confident that Biden will restore democracy? I think people are still quite worried, especially if we don’t get the senate. If you mean people supremely confident outside this forum then yea def.

Question for team BlueNoMatterWho aka radical centrist incrementalists :grin:

What policies do you believe Biden/Harris will actually expend political capital on that take us even one inch left of where we were January 16, 2017?


If Biden wins it’s likely he’ll only be in power for 4 years anyway given his age, and with presidents being the vainglorious arseholes that they are it’s unlikely he thinks there’s enough cache in something as nebulous to him as restoring democracy.

And how do you restore democracy in a country where the popular vote often elects the loser and where the president is basically a monarch?

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I am happy to have this discussion as I think it’s interesting. There are things I think he will make real advances on and others he will do nothing or even harm the cause.

It’s not worth the time though if everything just ends in “he can say whatever, but we all know he is lying”.

He probably won’t pick someone like Kav to replace RBG.

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I’m in Illinois and Hillary beat Trump by about a million votes without my vote in 2016 (Biden is a LOT better candidate than Hillary especially in this state). Some states are too safe for there to be outright cheating, it’s the close states which the cheating will be the biggest and where people will need to hold their nose and vote regardless.