Kamala / Walz 2024

Damnit my net was out for a day and I miss this post and all the $ on PI.

Also at least 200 posts of people being upset.

Just pm me next time for my POTUS draft picks. Iā€™ve been wrong 99/100, but that one time I was right it was Kamala.

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If they do this MSNBC and CNN will come up with headlines such as ā€œJoe Biden skips debate and has Kamala do it for him, is he fit to be president if he canā€™t show up for a debate?ā€

Itā€™ll just draw more attention to the Biden is senile and hiding narrative and a lot of the general public will believe it

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I canā€™t see Pence debating Kamala, thatā€™d be an unreal beatdown lol.

it mostly doesnā€™t matter anyway though

Kamala not being AG as well and one of the most progressive he couldā€™ve picked, good experience when people were looking for it out of bidenā€™s VP too. Thereā€™s some positives here that this forum dgaf because perfectionism or bust mentality the internet has.



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He couldā€™ve done much worse imo. Do I love it? No. Is it progress in the grand scheme of things? Absolutely.

The majority of us here are more idealistic than pragmatic. I love being a part of a community that cares so much about supporting equality and fighting to make the world a better place for everyone - sometimes even to our own detriment since some of us are doing well with the status quo. Itā€™s awesome to see other people who are willing to give up future benefits from the current system to help people who are disadvantaged by the way things are.

With that said, itā€™s not all going to happen overnight and our short-term expectations are way too high. All of the things we want are, for the most part, slam dunk 100% super obviously necessary in this country but itā€™s going to take time.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s that bad, but how? Like you think there was a chance heā€™d have picked Bloomberg or something?

wheatrich is straight law and order. If it looks like heā€™s maturely accepting the imperfections of Harris, thatā€™s deceiving. He got his perfection, and like @6ix was getting at, this is gloating.

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Hope all the people that kept posting about the really really mean and toxic ā€œBernie brosā€ online continue to keep that energy but Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll be like Scott here


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I could not imagine being Joe Biden or one
of his supporters and looking at someone who is struggling to afford medical treatment and telling them with a straight face that they need to accept that progress takes time.

Oh, not because Iā€™m actually fighting to get you free healthcare - I donā€™t want you to have that - but maybe in 15 years theyā€™ll elect someone else who does. I will, of course, campaign against that person being elected. But give it some time.


And in 2020 African American voters were almost the entire reason Biden was nominated instead of someone else. I feel like you think the rest of us want it to be borderline impossible to get anything done. The reason Iā€™m all in on total political warfare with the GOP is that I now realize that their very presence in the room when we are debating what to do next as a society guarantees that nothing good will happen.

James Baldwin made the right choice and quit the country like Iā€™m probably about to.

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Similarly, I could not imagine looking at people being beaten the fuck down by Trump/McConnell and telling them, ā€œlol Biden and Trump are the same, sorry.ā€


Roughly 60% of African American voters in SC were the main reason

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I believe everyone here for the most part is saying, We would like Bernie to be president and enact all his policies next year. We are also saying we realize thats not going to happen unfortunately, so we are going with the best opportunity for positive change at this current time. Being realistic and saying this is going to take time since we canā€™t get bernie in now, isnā€™t the same as telling struggling people to wait. Its saying ā€œwe are trying to affect as much change as we can as soon as we can but it doesnā€™t happen overnight.ā€

AOC Iā€™m sure is not in love with Biden but sheā€™s suppporting him as the best current way forward, doesnā€™t mean she is telling anyone to wait and Iā€™m sure she agrees its going to take time to get to where we want to be.


catface was talking about a few real posts that had just occurred and youā€™re strawmanning or maybe have to go back to some poster or link thatā€™s not been part of this discussion to drudge up ā€œlol Biden and Trump are the sameā€. Thatā€™s why your post sucked.

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Love this ideaā€”have Joe as a background dancer to the debate


KHive is worse than the Bros for sure. At least the Bros are passionate about specific causes. Being rabidly pro center-left establishment politics is just weird.

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AOC doesnā€™t think her and Biden would be in the same party if we had more than 2 parties. And of course she isnā€™t telling people to wait but thatā€™s because she will continue fighting for m4a and policies like that which shows people that she doesnā€™t want to wait. Biden and a lot of eDems will not (which is shown by backing Biden) so they are pretty much telling people to wait until someone better might fight for them, they impede progress left.

The politicians are there to compromise to try and get us to the goals they want, the constituents (people on this forum) are there to try and push these politicians to those goals and keep their feet to the fire so that the politicians keep fighting for these goals. This is one of the main reasons I find all the concern trolling about us not compromising about m4a and being perfectionists, idealists, purists or whatever people on here want to label us a pretty dumb argument. Like yeah Iā€™m going to be an idealist and not settle for anything less than m4a and will continue contacting all my local elected officials and letting them know that my stance is non-negotiable and I will not vote for a person that doesnā€™t continue pushing for this. Then wheatrich and others frame this as a bad thing. Also his framing is disingenuous anyways because most of the people I vote for donā€™t match up even close to 100% with what I want so itā€™s definitely not perfectionist or bust (I would guess thereā€™s probably no one here like that)

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