Kamala / Walz 2024

Conceded with the caveat that it’s “substantial” in the sense that say on an individual action or policy rated on a scale of 1-10, where Trump is a 1, if Biden were to instead be a 3; that could be considered substantial because it’s not Trumpian levels of badness, but grading any politician on a curve that Trump has set is…I don’t have the right word for it, but I would not be writing home about it.


Right, but those are the choices we have.

No regular here likes it, but it’s reality. One of Biden or Trump will win the November election. Binary choice.

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A lot of people across the spectrum are nasty little fascists at heart, which is why democracy is such a fragile and thin veneer.

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2nd horizontal already gets you a bingo

You are one of my favorite posters. I cannot adequately describe how grateful I am for your urgency and eloquence on these matters.

I assume you are secretly a Russian stooge with a ten-year plan to turn Unstuck into a bolshevik haven.


Some states like mine are a lock for Biden.

Biden and Harris live now if anyone cares


Biden sounds very clear. Given how old Biden and Trump are, they should consider having any debates start at 5pm


solid speech so far

Yea this was good until the feed cut out for me. His talk about leadership through the pandemic and how his administration will take responsibility for it and do what needs to be done was exactly what a lot of people need to hear.

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think it cut out for everyone womp womp

I’ve still got it in CNN. He was just talking about Charlottesville

yeah, i switched to FB, it’s working there

“And this morning, all across the nation, little girls woke up, especially little Black and brown girls that feel overlooked and undervalued in their communities, but today — today just maybe they’re seeing themselves for the first time in a new way as president and vice presidents.”

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

For those like me looking for a feed


Kamala with the “aggressive women” zinger in the first sentence

Man look at how happy and excited Kamala is

A genuine crack in her voice talking about Biden’s passed son

man, if you want definitive proof that there’s no such thing as God, and that the world sucks ass, look at which of the Biden sons is still alive. sigh By every single account I’ve heard, Beau Biden was a good, upstanding guy who had his shit together. Hunter, on the other hand…blah.


He’s someone who never asks “Why is this happening to ME?”

Kamala with a little light trolling against Trump.