Kamala / Walz 2024

only cotton picking on M W and F and every other S


Did you not see that shit where like only 26% of Biden supporters plan to vote in person? And that they’re legit ruining the USPS? Like vets can’t even get meds and we got months of ruining the USPS still. Also they won’t deliver election ballots unless you pay the premium postage.

In a straight up election I could maybe understand Trump not having a chance but this election is going to be SUPER fucky.

That plus the built in advantages of the EC and senate, I don’t see how you can think this is locked up. Biden favorite sure but Trump has to be super live. The GOP knows everything we know, they know 8 years of democrats is GG for them, they know they’re this close to having everything they’ve ever wanted and an a never ending GOP supremacy and power, and they know there is zero consequences for their actions. They’re going to pull out ALL the stops.


Seriously. Sometimes there is fast change sometimes slow incremental change.

Jim Crow might not be the best example since we still have Jim Crow crap going on with voter suppression. But its not true policies only move slowly.


At this point its probably a favorite that Trump wins in person voting, mail in voting is super fucked and tons of democratic ballots never make it to be counted, and the ones that do take months to count because USPS is super fucked, and then we’re basically hoping Roberts doesn’t fuck us and go with the rest and say election taking this long is unconstitution we declare Trump the winner like they did in 2000 which I’m not super hopeful for.

If RGB dies its legit GG and time to buy assault rifles or leave.

It might be too late by then.

People like you would tell team purity to stop talking about race if something helps white people but not black people because at least some people are getting help.

I’m sure you’d say that is completely different and something that you would never do, but let’s replace race and make it something that helps mostly rich and middle class people but relatively few poor people. Can you say that nothing you advocate has that sort of effect?

There’s different sorts of incrementalism. I’d prefer an increment that starts out with everyone getting some of what they need, but not all of it. If you give 70% of people good health care and leave 30% out, that makes it easy for the 70% to say that they would like to help the 30%, but they’re not going to do so if it jeopardizes what they already have.

Ultimately, team purity is in favor of treating health care as a positive, fundamental, and basic right. While some of them may express themselves in occasionally juvenile ways, seemingly to troll specifically you and prevent you from getting to feel superior without dissent, their basic belief is within the realm of rational thought. They may not be right, but their existence helps makes this world a better place.


There is also the reality right now the reason single payer is so popular is because most Americans are dissatisfied with their healthcare. The argument incremental change will go on a never ending upward trajectory might not be so.

So what happens if Obama care is propped up and improved. Well that means more people are satisfied and there would be less of a push for single payer or a better system by a majority who just got comfy. Could actually kill single payer.

NotBruceZ killed my pony…

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Right, I meant in a straight up election, in regards to my shilling.

Like ok, say I vote for Biden (I’m in Illinois but whatever) and convince everybody I know to vote for Biden and a million strangers as well… but then trump throws us in a van and blacksites us. So my shilling was pointless, but the same would happen with Bernie or Warren or Joe Blow.

Simpler: either Biden crushes and everybody else would’ve, or nobody does because the GG writing is already on the wall. I don’t see a scenario where election rigging is defeated by a critical mass of voter turnout; the parts don’t move that way.

Again I think this is a poor framing. I don’t think anyone on this board or even rose twitter or whoever would agree that 70% is the same as 0% they just think “70%” is more like 30% and that getting 30% of something that belongs to you by right is not something to be celebrated.


In the bailout thread there is a thread posted showing most people blame democrats for the current failures to reach a deal on the UE extensions and mass evictions coming so yeah WAAF. It’s like 40% dems fault, 39% Trumps fault, 17% both sides.

Do most of us not think:

-Biden/Harris is basically a D- ticket based on where we were in February, and;
-Trump winning would be such a large scale disaster we are forced to openly support that ticket?

I skipped a lot of the back and forth between Clovis and the other posters just because it feels like a bit of a rerun. That being said I was a huge Bernie supporter and was devastated on Super Tuesday. I was angry for a long time. I am still despondent about where we are as a country and where the Dem party is as well. It really sucks this is what our choices are. But 4 more years of Trump won’t get us any closer to where we want to be. 4 years of Biden/Harris maybe doesn’t either but it might get us closer and probably at least means not losing anymore ground.

I am not thrilled with Harris but I do think she was one of the best choices of all the names realistically floated.


4 more years of Trump gets us closer if you think we need a revolution and that things need to get worse before we build the political will for a revolution.

That’s not necessarily true, but I don’t blame anyone for feeling that way.

The previous 4 years of Trump got us Biden/Kamala. After 4 more years you think Dem voters won’t want another “safe” option if we are lucky enough to have a fair election in 2024? The entire campaign against Bernie was that this election was too important to lose and he was risky because he was a socialist. I fail to see how 4 more years of this shit is worth risking for maybe some chance of a revolution that likely isn’t coming.

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Here is how some people think. If we are fucked without a revolution and there is 0% chance of a revolution if Biden is elected and 10% chance of a revolution if Trump is re-elected, then we’re drawing dead if Biden is elected, but we’ve at least got a chance with Trump and a slim chance is better than none.

Now, you may disagree on the need for a revolution and the actual value of those percentages, but I would argue that a rational person can believe that we need a revolution and the rest follows from that assumption. It’s a reasonable POV that we shouldn’t simply dismiss.

I think that portraying a stereotypical sassy black woman would maximize the trolling of right-wingers. I would happily tell her this to her face and leave it up to her as to how much she wants to troll them.


Lol You really taking the racist laws are over line? Thanks for proving my point though.

I agree with this take

Harris is solid for what we need right now

But if after the first round of debates last year you told me the ticket would be Biden/Harris I would have been angry

Sure they are a better option than Trump but they aren’t a good option in a vacuum.


There basic belief are great. As I’ve said 100 times I share the exact same beliefs. They fail miserably on execution and in fact hurt their own cause. That’s the disagreement we have. They like to pretend I want poor people to suffer because they can’t defend their actual method of execution.

You’ll notice you don’t ever see me post against their policies. Because we share the exact same policy goals.

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The historical record of Revolutions shows that they rarely, if ever, lead to the outcomes promised by the revolutionaries… so yeah anyone who thinks that we need a revolution as opposed to thinking that a revolution is a major risk we are running with the status quo is not just wrong but very wrong.