Kamala / Walz 2024

So you’re a quitter too!

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I mean i went for decades not ever voting either party. But yeah trump might just burn it all down in a rain of nukes. So…

Could him getting reelected cause the pendulum to swing the other way much harder. Maybe. Or maybe we all die.

He is lying to you. Several members of team purity do want Biden to lose. They have said so explicitly. That’s the reason we disagree. Don’t let him gaslight you. They have said they are not voting for him or supporting his election.

As I’ve stated many many times. I’m also on team push Biden hard left at every opportunity. But only after you have done everything possible to get him elected. This is the key and why team purity is so dangerous.

lol clovis taking it up a notch

p.s. bam

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There is nothing said on this forum that is dangerous to the results of the election. It will have no say really.

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Yeah, naw, I’m a pessimist, not at all an accelerationist.

It’s an interesting observation though, so I guess I should point out that when people say nothing will change when Biden wins and it will lead to TRUMP2.0, this doesn’t mean that they think trump winning will be better.

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I mean it isn’t even a maybe, if Trump wins its over. The conservative supreme court alone guarantees there isn’t any progressive wins in our lifetime. They 100% strike down any attempt to pack the court even if there is precedence

Lol at framing economic justice as something you beg for and should be grateful if you get scraps of rather than something you deserve that is being purposely withheld.

It’s more
Can I have the $10 you took from me back?
If you’re good maybe I’ll give you $3
Well that sucks


There’s always the chance that Kavanaugh spontaneously combusts and takes out the majority of the Supreme Court while a Democrat is in the White House.

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Ah ok I got you. I personally think Biden and co aren’t like hardline neoliberal ideologists. I think they’re just political hacks that go whichever way the wind is blowing and its blowing left so they will go that way a lil without pissing of donors too much. So I definitely think we will get some progress,

I do think with shifting demographics, and the rise in popularity of the left its only a matter of time unless democracy gets got.

I think with shifting demographics Trump 2.0 is super unlikely if we can hold them off for 8 years. So basically we just need to win in 4 years and we should be good. So basically this all comes down to the senate and getting shit done, so making sure people vote Biden and down ballot is super important here.

i mean fuck

If you put your knee on peoples neck long and hard enough sometimes they say no more. Burning it all down means none of that would matter. Im more talking revolution and a popular uprising overthrowing the system.

Now im not for that because i think we would be more likely to get a mad max dystopian hellhole than a progressive wonderland. But i can sometimes see where the burn it all down people are coming from.

They keep on saying ‘Go slow!’

But that’s just the trouble ‘Do it slow’

Can’t wait for the continued takes from young white liberals telling everyone how Kamala is a terrible pick for the BLM movement.


Bernie was 500 years too old, and the wrong gender and race for the national moment.


Sure but that’s not the point I was making of course.

My point is team purity thinks having zero people with access to healthcare is the exact same thing as having every citizen, save one, having access. It’s all or nothing. The simple truth is politics doesn’t work that way. It’s the slow boring of hard boards. It’s designed to be incremental. Pretending like getting 70% of what you want is the same as getting 0% hurts the cause of actual progress.

It has only one benefit. Those who hold the view get to feel superior.


The key is two consecutive Dem administrations. That’s the one catalyst that will dramatically shift top-down electoralism regardless of the candidates. We missed it in 2016. Ideally you’d want good candidates as well but hey.

My big thing though is I don’t think trump has a chance of winning, If I thought he did there’s a small but real chance I’d be out shilling for Biden. It’d be easy to do; a lot of the attacks on his character and record, while true, are overblown. I just don’t see it, and I don’t think anybody does really. If they did they wouldn’t have made the primary about stopping Bernie and instead would’ve hitched their wagons.

The whole worry about trump is a magical thinking smokescreen to deflect from and/or assuage their guilt over the primary.

They should of slowly removed Jim Crow laws little by little instead of all at once.


man wat in the shit are you talking about
