Kamala / Walz 2024

You are mistaken. Bernie and AOC are most certainly not team purity. They are progressives. They are working to advance their policies. They understand you don’t have to agree with every single thing to work with a colleague to move their policies forward.

Team purity would have them tell Biden to fuck off, reject their seat on the committees and spend 4 years snipping from the sidelines. They would view that as actual progress.


This is probably a rhetorical question but do you honestly not see that you are actually the one proctoring the purity test?

You’re taking umbrage at people simply not liking Biden and/or Harris!


Trump playbook 101.

I think that and if i lived in a swing state id vote for him. Still important to raise the issues Biden does not support like single payer and other things.

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Iraq can just liberate us, ez game.

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Its you who is mistaken if you think anything i said will be done. Its good AOC and Bernie are in there pushing. Ill be out here being critical pushing.

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Yeah again I agree with all of that, but like you said when the consequence of Trump winning is legit 0 chance for any progressive leader or policy in the future I stop understanding their side of not voting.

The idea that it could make the dems cave and move even further left is correct, but so is that fact that it wouldn’t matter a single fucking bit if Trump wins again.

And thats where I draw the line. If it was a Republican who I don’t think was legit going to end democracy as we know it, then yes their argument makes sense and I’d be on board, but thats just not the case here. Second term Trump is probably jailing the squad and crushing any form of progressive policy before it even gets started, and even if he isn’t the voting supression, weaponizing of the DOJ, and outright cheating, and dominate conservative supreme court for 30+ years guarentees zero victories for progressives in our lifetime. I don’t see how you could be staring down the barrel of all that and think it would be good if Trump won because it’d shift democrats to the left, the democrats would clearly be a non competitive party going forward and I don’t see any argument for it being one.


Just to be clear I’m on team shitting on biden constantly and trying to move them left, I’ve argued for it a lot, just not on team not voting for them hoping Trump wins and that shifting democrats to the left.

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I would like a serious reply to my points though

Well i mean im not voting for him. If i lived where it mattered i would. I dont like the ticket at all. Enemy of my enemy.

Have no idea where that puts me in clovis8’s purity test.


But srsly,

What does not “getti(ing) on board” even look like?!?

Nobody is saying, “Welp, that’s it for me, I’m now a racist who hates socioeconomic justice!”

They’re trying to crush your spirit with this bullshit.

Team purity “can I borrow $10”

The evil establishment “I can’t do $10, but can lend you $7. We can then work to find the other $3 down the road.”

Team purity “fuck you!”

I think we’re in agreement, and maybe I misunderstand the position of all the others but it does seem to be don’t vote for them no matter what and hope Trump wins to shift the democratic party left which is obviously ridiculous. It’s like trying to shift Putins opposition party left at that point.

If you believe trump has a chance of winning you shouldn’t be shitting on Biden pre-election.

Read my long post above.

Getting on board is holding your nose while you throw up and voting for him if its in a state that matters and actually hoping he wins so our side has a fucking chance in hell of actual success?

of all the bullshit you’ve posted this is the most telling


Ok, so everybody is on board then. Anybody telling you otherwise is lying.


Shitting on Biden in left circles and pushing centrists left is not going to hurt Bidens chances lol. Maybe if you were doing it on a platform where there are tons of scared right leaning people voting for Biden but that really isn’t the case for 99% of Biden shitting.

Ok so we good then, but your posting makes it really seem like you hope Biden/Harris loses so that we move left.

But yeah if everyone is on board with that then there is no problem and I don’t see Clovis problem. lol if he thinks everyone should be stoked to vote Biden.