Kamala / Walz 2024

Which members of the California congressional delegation do you think would consider running in 2022, even against an appointee who wanted to stay in the Senate?

skydiver for Senate imo


Yeah I’m happy to see someone primary the appointee in 2022. We need a few strong progressive voices in the Senate. Bernie is getting up there, and beyond Liz the other Senate progressives may vote a progressive record but they’re not doing much to move the Overton Window.

Only if she supports single payer and hires a few of us to help with her campaign. Speechwriter, Chief Internet Troll, Director of WAAF Relations, garbage man, I’m not picky.

Either that or if she invites us to the wine cave fundraiser for free. Yeah not gonna lie, I’d go to that. I might make an exit like Tony Montana in the restaurant, but I’d go…

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Dog come on.

Now, before you do the thing where you try to get clever, considering I already omitted “insulting” from the definition, what do you think “trolling” means in this context?

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The T-shirt always gets me :joy:

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Sorry but you are totally off imo. I am German and american politics has so much influence all over the place that i am almost more invested in the outcome of your presidental election than in our own. Just recently 3 senators from your country wrote a letter and threatened a german harbour with sanctions if we complete the North stream pipeline. No matter how anyone sees this pipeline but this is garbage. And the US is arguing in bad faith since their only reason is to sell more of their own liquid gas.
If the USA dont join the fight against climate change again and start being a leader we are doomed because then there wont be any significant change because now others also think they dont need to do anything. Sorry but the influence of the USA all over the world is far to big to not be affected in some way.


Damn Shaun of the Dead you change your mind or something? Plus calling KH the most progressive anything ever might be overstating the case.

I do cut some slack as he had two more years of Trump.

For those who want to know, those three senators were Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and Ron Johnson.


Dear Benshazero by you description she sounds pretty awesome. Best regards, papa bless

It’s amazing that all of team purity assumes insults are arguments in favour of their position. You nailed an insult at my education but forgot to call me too rich to get it. Step it up.

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This is what is so frustrating about team purity. He literally made a specific policy committee to address these exact points. Know who heads it? Bernie. Guess who is on it? AOC. It also contains some of the most progressive people on every single one of these issues.

Bernie is leading his healthcare agenda for Christ’s sake.

This is why team purity is so dangerous. It’s feeling pure over facts. Self congratulation over actual progress.

The progressive wing is on the inside. They are forming the core of the policy shop. Directly advising Biden. Yet they still want to act like they are being rejected by the establishment. It’s a really weird cognitive dissonance. You want to cling to your self image as the persecuted even when all evidence points to the contrary.


To us yes, but what they’re trying to do makes sense. A ton of the support Biden picked up recently from Trump are right leaning independents and conservatives and they’re trying to get them to go back to Trump because big scary radical leftism.

For the purity team guys. I pretty much agree with you guys about everything, am a huge Bernie guy, but also think Trump winning is probably the end of democracy so we have to get on board with the shitstain that is Biden. Do you guys not believe that? Like if Trump wins the chance of a progressive candidate ever winning in our lifetimes is now 0, even if it wasn’t they can’t do shit because super conservative supreme court, and I can’t really see any argument against that other than violent revolution which I don’t see happening.

Also was there any serious option that was better than Harris that wouldn’t have been a horrible choice for Biden? I mean at least she supports M4A and lots of other progressive policies now. It’s not like politically he could have chosen one of the squad.


I stand by everything i said. There will be no single payer. No end to our endless wars. No end of ICE or Homeland. No end to our evil treatment of people coming to our border.

Cool we get committees. Let me know when im wrong on the above.

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Committees are literally how politics works! It’s like being the navigator and complaining about getting lost.

Yeah, see, here’s the thing: I know these people are full of shit because what they claim they’re doing, and what they claim is happening, is what I was doing and claiming in 2016. Simpler would be, rule#1 is don’t lie to the one person who knows you’re lying.

Even though I was a Bro I was a huge Hillary shill, while still thinking she sucked, after the primary because,

(the shortest explanation of the political inertia theory is that 1. the GOP getting humiliated with trump, 2. Bernie’s movement, and 3. two consecutive Dem presidencies, something that hasn’t happened since the civil war, would’ve massively shifted everything left, even if Hillary herself fought it. Tbh #3 alone would’ve caused massive upheavals in American electoralism but the trifecta would’ve been quasi-revolutionary. Not all need agree; I’m just explaining the theory.)

the election was that important. And my pitch was basically just, Bros, Broettes, let’s chill for a couple months, don’t inadvertently do any pro-trump campaigning, we’re actually in the driver’s seat if Hillary wins. The ideal end result of the theory, and yes this sounds even more out there, is that the GOP would die and the Dems would be the right-wing party. That’s why it was important to bludgeon the GOP in 2016.

This election is not the same and quite frankly it’s obscene how they’re pretending it is. Trump’s inevitable defeat is a win for the same people who just bludgeoned the left to near-death. The inertia is going in the opposite direction.

And yes, inevitable, because without election rigging trump is drawing dead, and they all knew this. That’s why the primary panned out the way it did. The talk of defeating trump was bullshit; DemE seized the perfect storm pandemic opportunity to crush the left, in a top-down electoralism sense. And it worked.

This is why they sound different than me four years ago, with my, “C’mon Bros just be cool plz, trust me!” Why they’re antagonistic and toxic and demeaning, derisively talking about purity cults and other such nonsense. They’re not making a plea for unity, they’re fucking gloating.


I’m with you, but I think the purity guys are correct from a game theory perspective. Elections often feel like the end of the world, but they are iterative and while there evidently isn’t enough progressive support to defeat the Democratic machine–it sure seems close though, right?–there are enough progressives to force the party left. Having the most centrist, neoliberal candidate shoved down our throats is repugnant. And it’s because we play poorly by always voting for them in the general.

But, yeah, voting for Biden in this election feels like an appropriate adjustment. But it will be an adjustment we have to make forever since we have shown we’re willing to make it forever. We’re failing hard at tit for tat and our opponents are taking advantage of this-- we voted for Hillary, they lied and said we didn’t. And then they jammed the exact same crap down our throats. Again. Why wouldn’t they? As a group, we cave.

So, what to do about that? I don’t know. And I don’t think now is the time to enforce tit for tat. But I understand people who do, and I understand people who just can’t vote for trash like Biden. I do think Trump is exceptional and worth caving for, but in truth I’ve thought that about every Republican candidate in my life.

Furthermore, elections are an iterative game only until they’re not, and if Trump wins again, I genuinely think there may be no more real elections. We might already be there. And while having no more elections would be neat in some contexts, not in this one.


None of what i said will be done.

But also. The only reason Biden is even doing any of that is because of the people you deride. The team purity people you hate on are the reason for the committees. Being critical and being skeptical it will happen holds them to the fire and forces them to that table.

I mean i dont even know what your are really asking or are after. Sorry but if you want me to be silent on some of the most important issues to me and not be critical of democrats who i dont think will deliver on them. No.