Kamala / Walz 2024

Team purity isn’t saying the positions are not progressive enough. They hate the actual people for EVER holding positions they don’t like even when said positions are no longer held.

That’s purity. Not progressive.

Biden has done everything literally possible to reach out and incorporate the left wing of the party. His advisory council is filled with the far left wing. His convention is giving prominent slots to the most progressive wing of the party. He just chose a very progressive senator and a woman of colour, as VP.

Purist response. 15 years ago she made a call as a prosecutor I don’t like. Fuck her now and forever.

Biden very likely just choose the first female president, something definitionally progressive.

Team purity. Fuck him he voted for the Iraq war. Now and forever.

Purity, not progressive.


Girl power!




No one is saying they wanted these two clowns, almost everyone on this forum didn’t want biden or Kamala. I’m fine with criticism of them but we all have to support them at this point, Kamala becoming VP would still be a big deal, and a bigger deal if Biden dies and she becomes president. It sucks those are our horses but we can make the best choice for what we have now. It might not make things significantly better for those workers but i think we can all agree that they’ll be much better off than they are with trump. Then after these two jokers win hopefully, hopefully people like Bernie/Aoc/Warren can push some good policies, keep us away from some bad ones, and in 4 more years biden won’t be running and we try again for a more progressive ticket. Thats the most we can do, in the meantime keep protesting, keep pushing liberal ideas, keep electing progressive house members, hopefully take the senate etc.

edit: agreed this country sucks


FWIW, when 6ix implies you don’t care enough about the issues because you’re wealthy, he’s being charitable. We all know the reality that when the libs are forced to choose between fascism and (democratic) socialism, they always choose wrong.


Definitely short on old white men for sure.

I literally live in a democratic socialist country. 🤷

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That’s one word too many.



rather psychological, than logical

2 angry people that cannot hear each other anymore

this forum is full of tongues and short of ears

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He craps all over single payer, he won’t go near far enough on the environment, he won’t end our endless wars, he won’t end ICE or homeland security, he will keep deporting tens of thousands of people fleeing for their lives.

That’s just off the top of my head.


Kamala, night three. “As the saying goes, when Trump goes low, we kick him in the teeth.”

Crowd roars.

“No, no, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. He doesn’t have teeth he has dentures.”




I’d be happy if only because it kept him from running for that Senate seat. I want a progressive with media savvy who isn’t afraid to stir the pot a bit and really try to become a leader in the party. I’m not sure we have that in the mix, but I think Swalwell would be better than Schiff at least.

But maybe someone like Jackie Speier or Barbara Lee runs?

No, wait. Ro Khanna or Ted Lieu. Yep, one of them would be ideal.


It will be an appointment by Newsom to fill the Senate seat. I doubt it will be someone from our congressional contingent. Probably someone from state government, like Xavier Becerra, Toni Atkins, Lorena Gonzalez, or Eleni Kounilakis. They all check diversity boxes and are all pretty popular in the state.

Eric Garcetti is another option. Katie Porter is the twitter favorite, but it would be monumentally stupid to take her from that seat, which is not safe blue.

I know its a long shot, but I can see a timeline where Xavier Becerra is Bidens AG.

It would be a dream. He has been an absolute beast at taking the Trump admin to task over the past couple of years.

I’m biased toward Toni Atkins because she’s from SoCal and she’s awesome and I have an inside line on working in her CA office if she gets it :stuck_out_tongue:


Kamala should just rip this speech off word for word.


Yeah but there would be a special election, right? If Ro Khanna runs, he’ll have a shot. He’ll have AOC and Bernie going to bat for him, and the fundraising would be off the charts.

It could be interesting if Biden opens up a few Senate seats with cabinet appointments.

no. Kamala’s term ends in 2022 anyway, so there would be an appointee until then, at which time they just do the regular election for that seat.

Governor appointees tend to do very poorly on re-election attempts here, so you probably don’t want someone you really like being appointed to the seat.