Kamala / Walz 2024

You can say you have three legs as many times as you want, it doesn’t become any less obviously false.


Again with the fake oppression. Bernie and AOC are among a dozen people ON THE INSIDE forming the core of their policy bench. A black woman who is for UHC is VP.

You won for fucks sake. Stop pretending you lost.

What are you talking about man? I don’t feel oppressed and my post wasn’t about that. My candidate lost and I (mostly) got over it and am supporting Biden/Harris.

Point me to one post where I argue against progressive causes. Keep lying to yourself I know how important it is to feel pure.

Sorry I was just using your post as a jumping off point to the idea progressives lost.

This is a complete mis-framing of the question. But you know that, it is a feature, and not a bug, of your posting.


Trump playbook 101.

Yah Trump’s always banging on about misframings of the question, never stops with that.

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Ok I’ll play along even though it’s hopeless. You claim your three legged dog point wasn’t that I don’t share progressive views. So what was it?

When I say “revolution”, I don’t necessarily mean fighting a literal war over it.

I don’t think that electing Biden moves us closer to changing the inequities of the Electoral College or the composition of the Senate than re-electing Trump does, but I also don’t think Biden means zero chance. If you think that America is screwed long-term without changing that structure and that Biden sets us on a course of normalcy that makes it harder to change things, then it would be easy to feel hopeless. Biden does little to bring hope to those hopeless.

A vote for Biden feels like a vote for the status quo for some people. And Trump didn’t change the status quo, he just made its nastiness more obvious.

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Clovis buddy… you really need to learn to use the ignore feature lol. You aren’t going to convince anyone purity oriented to not be purity oriented if that’s what they even are.

Ignore the people who literally never make a good point and read the ones who do just to make sure nothing is happening in your blind spots while you aren’t paying attention. They have obvious blind spots, of course, but so do we all. The nasty thing about blind spots is that other people’s blind spots are obvious and our own absolutely are not. That’s the entire reason it’s a good idea to read widely divergent views every once in a while.

They aren’t happy because the party picked Biden to be the nominee. Them being unhappy about that is the price we (as a party) paid for nominating Biden. The party knew that when they did what they did. Hopefully it doesn’t backfire, but if it does it won’t be the angry leftists fault.


People need to hold their noses, shut their gobs about how awful these candidates obviously are and vote for them if their vote might matter.


So the real problem we have in this country is political and economic constipation. The world has been changing extremely rapidly and the US has stagnated pretty hard over the last 30-40 years. The only long term solution is to start getting things done again.

Biden winning makes that more likely. I think it’s pretty obvious that the Democratic establishment is over the filibuster, so I expect it will go away the next time we have a Senate majority.

This political war between the parties will end eventually. If the margin of victory is large enough it’ll be over in five months.

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No, I don’t claim that. As you know, and are dishonestly affecting not to know, my claim was that this statement:

is false. It is a misframing of the situation, where you (quite deliberately) portray you and posters who are very plainly further left than you as disagreeing only over tactics and strategy. You are now moving from this very specific ‘exact same beliefs’ claim to a much more general ‘progressive values’ position, where instead of having to show that you disagree with eg Vict0ar on some question of policy, I must instead find you agreeing with Trump. It’s extremely tiresome, a recurring if not omnipresent feature of your posting and it achieves nothing except wasting everyone’s time.


I’ve made an argument that the long-term solution is replacing the Constitution, which is an impediment to getting things done again.

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What the hell does “research purposes only” mean?

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Yeah that might be necessary honestly. When it was written the constitution was an impressively modern document and one of the first of its kind. And that was 233 years ago. Definitely time to update it to at least reflect technology.

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The dems passed Obamacare. That wasn’t an incremental step to UHC? Biden wants to significantly expand it. That wouldn’t be another incremental step towards UHC? Have you read Bernie/Biden’s healthcare plan?

I’m honestly confused how those things can be seen as not incremental?

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Actually achieving it means wiping out the health insurance and for profit healthcare racket. The vast vast majority of Dem politicians are not for that and the DNC definitely isn’t.

Obamacare and whatever Biden has cooked up is Neo-Lib bullshit meant to avoid dealing with the real problem.

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