Kamala / Walz 2024

I LOL’d.

From the Charlie Baker wiki…

In 2018, he was reelected handily over Democratic challenger Jay Gonzalez with 67% of the vote, the largest vote share in a Massachusetts gubernatorial election since 1994.[2] As of March 29, 2020, Baker had a job approval rating of 80%.[3] Baker enjoyed the highest approval rating of any governor in the United States for eleven quarters in a row from the first quarter of 2017 through the third quarter of 2019.

Governor races are completely different than senate races.

It’s one thing to say you’ll do x, y, z for your state. It’s quite another to say “I’ll caucus with Mitch McConnell”.

They voted for Scott Brown to replace Ted Kennedy and caucus with Mitch McConnell in the midst of the Obamacare debate. I’ll grant you that if Massachusetts is in play, then the rest of the country is probably a train wreck for Dems, but I just don’t think that the notion that Warren could be replaced by some nice, pleasant business friendly Charlie Baker, Mitch Romney type is completely out of the question.

At a minimum if Warren is going to vacate the seat, you better be confident that you can run someone pretty strong to replace her.

If they are at all worried, just do this:

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Hard to imagine Warren agreeing to that.

He’ll probably do something stupid and pick Hillary

Or even worse Michelle Obama

Running mate picks don’t win you an election but they can cost you one.

Michelle Obama would be awesome for electability.


Nothing will drag deplorables out of the woodwork more than Hillary or anyone with the last name Obama being attached.

Biden’s already done the whole I’m the Obama guy schtick anyway.

Best off picking somebody who nobody’s ever heard of and is clean. Should be a human sweater vest. Boring, uninteresting, doesn’t grab attention but does the job well.

No that’s terrible. Biden is at a high risk of dying first term, and unlikely to be able to do much effective campaigning in his current condition. You don’t want the boring sweater vest.

Also, the deplorables don’t need an Obama or Clinton to bring them out of the woodwork. Trump is great at getting them all foaming at the mouth. That’s a given.

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When was the last time a running mate increased the odds of somebody winning an election?

Nobody was on the fence about Trump and went, “Oh wow! He picked Mike Pence! Now I know who I’m voting for!”

But Sarah Palin took a McCain that was going to lose anyway and made it even worse by being a total buffoon.

It’s a big announcement but aside from one debate that nobody watches, the focus is always on the person running not the second in command. If the second in command is getting more attention, something very bad has happened. Best to have the running mate have a clean closet and not be flashy.

Typically I agree, but something bad has happened. We nominated an old as fuck, mentally deteriorating, boring candidate.


That’s really different. Trump only picked a VP because he was required to in order to run. Biden is picking a VP we would all trust to take over the presidency. Totally different needs and expectations governing a Trump vs Biden VP pick.

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The odds of Trump dying during his second term are way higher than Biden in his first. I don’t know how that’s even a debate.

Biden is 4 years older and already sounds like he’s falling apart before any real campaigning let alone presidenting has started.

I remember when it didn’t matter enough that the election wasn’t a sweat.

It still matters now. One could argue that her selection became the tipping point for the alt-right. Her whole appeal to soccer moms and joe six-pack thing while being completely ignorant and saying things that made absolutely no sense what so ever primed them for Trump.

So fuck you John McCain.

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I completely disagree.


Gonna be Whitmer bc she’s hot. That’s a knock on me and Biden.


I voted Kamala not cause I thought that is who I want but because that is who he should pick. He needs a west coast black female more than anything and she checks all the boxes. She was literally a State AG so the establishment will not be offended by her and attacks on her character are pretty unlikely to work for a lot of reasons. If GOP tries to attack her for being mean to poor people as AG people will shrug because its definitely a lessor of two evils sort of thing and she doesn’t come off as scummy in these scandals, she comes off as an establishment politician.

Shes not the best politician because she comes off very fake but she is good at attacking and I think that’s really all that is needed to win this election. Honestly at this rate whoever the VP pick is might be the nominee. Also LOL AF thinking that the establishment cares whether Bernie voters will get in line or that there is any chance Biden will leave the race before he officially has the nomination crown.