Kamala / Walz 2024



Ouch thatā€™s brutal.

Damn why did Joe invite her on? Did he want to passive-aggressively tell her she wasnā€™t getting the bid on national TV?

Also, I thought we liked Stacey. What values did she sell out?

Itā€™s hard not to be suspicious of Abrams the way the DNC keeps hyping her up so much. Going from Georgia state rep to being a heartbeat away from the presidency is an absurd career arc.

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Abrams would be the rare dual threat awful VP pick. Absolutely zero electoral benefit and negative actual VORP if called upon to actually be in charge.

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Eh, sheā€™s pretty fucking good. Abrams has been her own driving force, as far as I can tell. She wouldā€™ve been an incredible governor.


Abrams would be such a terrible pick for the reasons Riverman mentioned.

Joe himself said he wants a VP who can step in as POTUS from day one. Pretty much a lock that weā€™re gonna get a career politician Dem with considerable experience.

Women, especially black women, canā€™t look or seem too ambitious, because this is what will happen.

Iā€™m not saying sheā€™d be a great pick, but look at the frontrunners for Joeā€™s VP spotā€¦the ones who actively avoid campaigning for it. Have to be demure, donā€™t you know.


Oh, you sweet summer child.

Iā€™ve got no problem with Abrams gunning for the position. I do have a problem with the fact that she is clearly willing to sell out completely to do whatever she has to do to achieve power.

I donā€™t really understand the implication either. It would seem super weird to me that she would expect to be named VP live on TV without being told in advance that she was getting it.


I think everyone is reading too much into her facial expressions as well as what Biden was saying. I think her probability of being the VP pick are about the same pre and post broadcast.


Yeah I gotta be honest, I was wondering what I was missing that everyone else is seeing.

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Someone needs to overlay The Sound of Silence at the end there. Also Iā€™m offended by the suggestion that Abrams sold out her valuesā€”the only values or political position she seems to hold is that she ought to be President.

I donā€™t really understand the hate she gets around here. She had the Ga Governorship stolen from her, which is more than just being a state rep. Fair Fight seems to be doing reasonably good work from the little Iā€™ve heard about it. Sheā€™s probably done more good on the ground than most other politicians her age. Afaict the main knocks against her are that she is ambitious (what successful politician isnā€™t?) and the EDems like her. She still seems head-and-shoulders above most other politicians.


dunno man if the media is pushing her this hard she has to suck


At one time I was on the Abrams train because you cannot deny what she did in the gubernatorial race and she has, indeed, done some good work with Fair Fight.

But come on, she has no principles. None. Keeeed is correct on this. Sheā€™s Hillary Clinton. That she might be vice president or president one day, AND that thatā€™s about as good as we can hope for, is the reason WAAF.

Snap vote Abrams over Biden. Fuck Biden.

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What evidence do you have that supports your view that she has no principles?

What evidence is there that she has any?