Kamala / Walz 2024

If we’re lucky, Michelle Obama is the VP pick, then because of social distancing, only the two candidates can be in the room together during the debate.

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biggest takeaway from this is how fucking stupid Hillary’s team was

Four years ago, Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey made his vice-presidential pitch to Hillary Clinton at her Washington home, months before she faced Donald J. Trump in the November election.

Mr. Booker, the only African-American to make Mrs. Clinton’s shortlist, argued that the presence of a black running mate would motivate black voters, helping Mrs. Clinton recreate the coalition that backed former President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

But Mrs. Clinton had won the Democratic nomination with substantial black support, and some of her advisers argued that many black voters would already be energized by Mr. Trump’s divisive candidacy and appeals to white conservatives, according to several people involved in the selection. After weighing the strengths and weaknesses of Mr. Booker, among others, she chose Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, a white moderate widely seen as a safe, traditional pick.

“Kaine brought good and solid credentials,” said Minyon Moore, a key adviser to Mrs. Clinton who participated in the selection process. “But the difference between a Cory and Tim Kaine could’ve closed the enthusiasm gap. Looking back on it, it’s fair for people to ask if we should’ve factored enthusiasm more into it.”

no fucking shit lady

Hear me out - why not Booker? If someone says “but he’s not a woman” just attack the hell out of them for assuming Cory’s gender.


I’m rooting for Kamala only because I love Maya Rudolph.


It’ll probably be Harris, but I can dream for better, right?


Michelle should accept, carry Sleepy to victory, and resign next spring if she really doesn’t want it


meh whatever not taking the bait, great tweet adanthar

If it worked for Santos, it can work for anyone

He’s going to pick Klob, book it.

Klob would be such a spectacularly bad pick, I think there’s a very real chance Biden goes for it.


If at the beginning of the primary you said come up with the ticket of the current candidates that is simultaneously least exciting and most baggage Biden/Klobs would have been a strong contender.


If Warren’s seat is losable, we might as well all give up now and get our MAGA 2024 gear. We’d most likely see a downgrade in quality of senator, but there’s at least a chance we’d get an upgrade (Ayanna Pressley).

Apparently I’m the only still having Scott Brown election night fever dreams

You’re not. Between Brown getting elected and the fact that Charlie Baker exists, people really should reconsider how much of a lock MA really is. Especially if you try to run on a M4A and free college platform in a state where a lot of the comfortable liberals work in biotech, big hospital groups, or universities.

Both of those things happened more than 5 years ago.

Also they both happened because Martha Coakley is WOAT.

Democrats could ensure a victory by having Warren step down before the 2020 election so that there would be a simultaneous special election with the presidential election.