Kamala / Walz 2024

Has he fingered anyone for the pick yet?


I assume that was worded as such on purpose

I haven’t heard of any pick yet

I do think most of the “I’ll never vote for biden” stuff is just edginess, but if kamala is the vp, then I really can’t vote for them in good conscience. I’m not in a swing state though.

I apologize if my curiosity raises your suspicion, but what would push this over the edge for you if he were to pick her as his VP?

I’m just disgusted by our incarceration rate, something they’ve both worked hard to increase throughout their careers.


Clarence Darrow isn’t walking through that door.


the two


Unfortunately, it’s impossible for one person to check the boxes needed to bridge with the rest of the party. All have cases for/against. Even klob at least is liked by old people. (people keep calling her kaine but she still has more appeal than he did, even if it’s obviously zero on this board) I don’t think she’s a good pick either though. 2 boring white people isn’t good.

I think anyone saying it’s a republican is just being ridiculous. I’d be completely shocked if it was a R. (wish PI would put a few R’s in the market cause I’d bet against them, hell I’ll do it here too)

I don’t think he’ll pick warren–I don’t see her being good enough ideologically for the people here who hate him anyway. I think he doesn’t want to pick abrams because she doesn’t have experience but she isn’t boring at least. Michelle won’t do it because she’d hate it of course even if I think she’d be the best one of the group for turnout. Harris is a struggle too, california just doesn’t help him at all and even though she’s a bit left of him, that doesn’t matter.

Bernie would be hilarious just from whoever’s left that already hadn’t gone full turncoat on him meltdown and would bridge the ideology and between them would have the parts for one person but two old white guys :/

Just watch Sanjay’s face.

AC360 in animal form would be an imperious Siamese cat.

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If we assume Biden’s running mate is going to come from this list of top 5 currently most rumored, who does Unstuck prefer?

  • Stacy Abrams
  • Kamala Harris
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Gretchen Whitmer

0 voters

Seems super easy to pick Warren here. I mean it’s obvious that she won’t get the nod, but we can dream right?

I vote for anybody that they’ll actually let talk to the general population.


Likely yes, was still curious because there could be reasons like thinking Warren is more valuable in the Senate to support someone like Harris. But yeah this will probably be a landslide.

Can’t see wanting to give up a popular swing state Governor. And while I’d rather see a more liberal Senator in Minnesota, having Amy a 78 year old’s heartbeat away from the Presidency seems really bad.

Any thoughts on when this decision might be made?

Warren as VP is a major demotion and completely neuters her effectiveness, while also giving up a loseable senate seat and doing nothing electorally for Biden.

They’ll definitely do it. The droolers here are mostly on board.

It’s not a loseable senate seat.

At all.

Even if they are dumb enough to put up Martha Coakley again.

They lose it some percentage of the time. Massholes gonna Masshole.

CA’s seat is as pure as the driven snow.

If we’re factoring all of this in then it’s probably close. Whitmer is really attractive and the pessimist in me says that’s probably a way bigger magnet for turnout than just taking best available. Palin of the Left of sorts. She’s also probably the one Grabby Joe wants to get his hands so I might even say that makes her a huge favorite.

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If we’re going pie in the sky, I wish he’d pick Michelle. She is already eight million times smarter and knowledgeable than Trump. And good lord I’m salivating thinking about her taking on Pence in a VP debate. Would he even be allowed to sit at the same table?

It’ll never happen obv, she’s said she will never run for any office whatsoever.