Kamala / Walz 2024

Good spot. Gabby Giffords is the nominee. Did not see that one coming.


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What baggage in particular, out of curiosity? Serious question.

Same type of stuff Hillary brought in 2016. People don’t like her, they don’t really know why, they just don’t. They heard something somewhere and the name just doesn’t sit well. That’s not their kind of gal. They can’t even explain it. The right, with a hard assist from the MSM over the eight Obama years, did a great job of dragging her to the point that they can just say her name and people will involuntarily hiss. It’s like nominating Soros. Nobody knows why they don’t like him, they just don’t.

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Predictit comments probably not reliable but there may be an announcement at 2:45.



Shoulda got more votes then

Rice’s baggage isn’t even based in reality. The only people it matters to at all were always voting Trump. I personally think it is a good pick and continues to draw on the only reason Joe won the primary and will likely win this election, Obama.



Of course it isn’t based in reality lol neither is Soros’. Neither was a lot of Hillary’s. It doesn’t matter you know that.

And I’m not worried about the Fox News/OAN mainliners, their minds are made up of course. It’s the trash pile dwellers in MSM like Tuck Chodd and replacement level NYT columnists who repeatedly give life to the nonsense. It doesn’t have to win over the masses. Just enough to tilt the scales. Why risk it is all I’m saying?


I am probably setting myself up for disappointment but do you really think the MSM is going to hammer her on BENGHAZZZZIIIIII when we have 35,000 Americans dying a month right now from Trump’s incompetence?

Also doesn’t Kamala have plenty she could be drug on as well?



One theory is that you pick your running mate based on your current polling. If you have a comfortable lead, you go with someone seen as safe (Biden, Kaine), if you are behind, you pick someone who will shake up your campaign (Palin, Ryan). I think that’s why it’s Kamala or Whitmer. Rice is probably a great person to have as SoS or CoS, but she brings an element of risk to the campaign that Biden doesn’t need right now. Honestly she’s probably more valuable to the Govt in one of those 2 positions. It’s not clear she has presidential aspirations anyways, so why make her the presumptive next Dem nominee.

We know that Benghazi was an effective attack against Hillary 4 years ago, and I’m sure the Trump campaign would love to go for round 2. It’s less likely to work this time around, but why even risk it?


On Tuesday, Warren will host another event for Biden, alongside Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), with tickets ranging from $250 to $25,000, according to an invitation obtained by POLITICO.

I wonder if it’s in a wine cave?

>Raking in big cash for the nominee is not limited to vice presidential candidates, of course. Pete Buttigieg, his onetime rival in the Democratic primary who’s seen as a likely appointee in a Biden administration, has raised more than $6.7 million through events, emails and digital ads for the campaign, according to a source familiar with the total.

I don’t think they’ll hammer her, but they’ll “both sides” it, bringing up Benghazi and the tarmac conversation as a “Republicans are saying” or “Trump’s camp is saying” issue.

I think this is overly strategic. I think Biden picks Rice because he’s always been focused on foreign policy and worked with her on foreign policy during the Obama administration. He knows her, likes her, and trusts her. I don’t think the same is true of most other VP hopefuls.



But there’s no way that if he nominates any other woman we won’t find out the same thing about them eventually. “Just don’t like the gal, not sure why. No, it’s not cuz Fox keeps saying she slept to the top, or is a Fauxcahontos, or muzzled all the freedoms in Michigan or …”

Expecting anything different and using that to guide your choice would be incredibly stupid imo.

Dude sitting in chair outside meme:

Those are all better reasons to make Susan Rice Chief of Staff or Secretary of State, change my mind.

VP is an elected position. The person on the ticket needs to be a politician people can see as presiden, especially when the nominee is 77, not a bureaucrat. I’m not a fan of VP or POTUS being someone who has never held elected office. There’s a different level of accountability and calculus that needs to go into your decision making than when you work an appointed government job.


I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong, I think there are two considerations for VP:

  • Who’s going to best help me win?
  • Who’s going to best help me govern in the way I want?

Your argument is that Biden should focus on the first. I think Biden is likely to focus on the second, at least partially because he recognizes there’s a real chance that VP replaces him at some point.
