Kamala / Walz 2024

If Trump’s win proved anything, it’s that voters love experience!

“Biden 2020: a (probably) functioning adult”

Biden 2020: C’mon Man!


That’s the one

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It’s a real missed opportunity that the Biden campaign isn’t selling blue MAGA hats with a Biden logo on the back.


“Build back better” sucks sorry.

Here’s what Biden should do: announce that there’s a giant reveal of their campaign slogan, get a huge blue banner, cut the ribbon and watch unfurl to say: Joe Biden 2020: Fuck Trump. Print millions of signs and get it everywhere. Media would go berserk, pearls would be clutched, the kids would think its great, etc etc its all that would be talked about for a week.

And lets be honest its really all his campaign is about anyways.

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Biden for America: You score, he hides

Biden 2020: riding into the future (without a helmet)

Biden 2020: hello silent complicity, my old friend

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No need to apologize; on one here came up with it (although John Dickerson, who I am a fan of at least on his Slate podcast, claims that he proposed it first).

Can you think of a better one that is actually in the realm of possibility?

Biden 2020: Jeffrey Epstein Was Murdered By Donald Trump

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Please suggest this to someone it’s actually genius.

A Cornpop in Every Bowl.


Joe Biden on a box of Corn Pops would prove this is a simulation

The eDems are terrified of overpromising. You’d have to go with Possibly Functional Adult.

Now we’re talking.

I also like "Health Insurance and Fat Stimulus Checks for Everyone! Mexico (and/or Billionaires) will Pay For It!"

“Not me. Us.” is actually really good. And it applies to Joe as well, as a way to deflect from ad hominem attacks.

It also lends itself well to a campaign based on issues. Imagine a series of ads:

Open on Biden logo, transition to Joe saying Not Me, Us. Followed by, say, Beto saying Together we will XYZ on gun control. A separate ad, same structure, Kamala saying Together we will hold Trump accountable. Bernie saying We will demand living wages for you. Warren saying We will fight for you against large corporations. Someone with credibility on HC saing We will make sure you get the HC you need when you need it.


Biden 2020: End This Shit Show

Official Campaign Song:

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I’m glad it was you that suggested this and not me. :D

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Biden not picking Corn Pop as his running mate would be an awful decision imo

Agree, this would be good. Of course it would include joe supporting stuff he doesn’t want to, but he barely seems to know what’s going on anyway, so it’ll be ok.