Kamala / Walz 2024

His message is: I’m like Obama; I’m not Trump. It’s actually a good enough message absent rampant cheating.

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Some ideas:

Joe Knows
He’s Not Stupid
Borderline Competence 2020
Here’s the Deal
No More Malarkey
Biden 2020: Because Fuck That Guy

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Last one is legit the best slogan AINEC.

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Biden 2020: I’ll Beat Him Like Corn Pop

Biden for America: Turn On Your Record Players and Hear Words

Biden 2020: STFU Whiney Millennials

Biden for America: You’ll Barely Notice Him

Remember when you could go weeks without knowing what was going on and it was okay? Yeah, well Biden 2020

Biden 2020: Nothing will fundamentally change


Such a terrible theme. What does it even mean? Why, exactly, am I with her? Totally unable to articulate what she’s going to do for me or why I should get out and vote for her.

Honestly, some kind of “return to normalcy” mantra would work really well right now. The ad where he sat down with Obama was kind of okay. Problem is, it’s not a consistent message that he’s reinforcing. His last ad was him driving a cool car, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that?

Trump went out there, told his base he would build a giant magical wall to keep Mexicans out of America at zero cost and kept hammering away at that over and over. That’s how you market yourself, that’s how you sell a product. Wendy’s doesn’t sell burgers by telling you that their CEO drives a cool car. Why would anyone care about that?

You’re not a male boomer, so nothing.

Male boomers are interesting creatures.

Biden for America: We Were Promised Greatness, Instead Heeeeeeeeeeres Joe

It’s a shot at Trump, a shot at Joe, interpret as you wish. Laugh, cry, whatever just vote for Joe.

Old white guys are not the people the Dems need to be hitting. People are scared and fatigued and out of work and they want to know what the hell’s going to happen when school starts or how they’re going to pay the rent. “Joe Biden drives a cool car” doesn’t speak to any of that shit. The Dems are just fundamentally unable to rise to meet the challenges of these times.

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I agree, I’m just telling you what the strategy is. They nominated Biden to go after moderate boomers. Trump says he’s a soft, tired old man so they get him out there driving a cool car and riding a bike.


I believe his message is “Build Back Better”, not that you’d know it because 1) yes, he hasn’t been all that active or dynamic but 2) the media doesn’t give a shit about anything he does, and unless he changes his slogan to Fuck That Guy or Burn It All Down, the media won’t give a shit.

And #2 is, by the way, the same old issue. It doesn’t really matter what he does (or what Hillary did or what kind of policy proposals she put out) because no one in the media really gives a shit to cover it. It’s kind of what always worried me about a Warren candidacy. I mean, Hillary and thousands of pages of policy stuff and it never got a whiff of coverage, while “Mexico Will Pay For It” was broadcast endlessly. I guess they might have been willing to trust and amplify “I’ve Got a Plan For That”, but that also feels very Lisa Simpsony.


I sincerely jump between who I think will win. All of the numbers point to a Biden blowout. But they did for Hillary too. Dukakis was dominating Bush in late July according to polls too.

However, all Biden has going for him is that he’s not Trump. Given how things have been, that might be enough. I get it in a way. The only thing Democrats have in common with each other is hating Trump. Policy proposals will divide them and might discourage turnout.

Having a platform full of vague sentiments with no real plan behind them works. It’s simple and easy to understand. This is an era where soundbites decide who wins, not policy.

This is getting close. Somehow this needs to invoke the adage that the best referee is one that you don’t notice. Joe!

… Make America Great Again?

Since it’s apparently Biden’s, I don’t expect anyone here to like it (or to come up with any better, for that matter), but at some level “Build Back Better” is tonally perfect. Maybe not in its catchiness, but I like that implies a call to action (Build), a return to sanity (Back), and an optimistic or even progressive cast of the future (Better).

ETA: I forgot to mention that of course overall it reminds people that Trump’s leadership has created an absolute disaster of a country that needs rebuilding.


I know we are joking but “you won’t notice him” is a MASSIVELY big point in his favour.

Remember when the news wasn’t 100% about POTUS? When other news got some time. When POTUS didn’t occupy 95% of the conversations you have in your life.

You won’t notice him sounds like paradise right now.


Joe 2020: Unremarkably Competent

By any measure he is the most experienced presidential candidate in decades, maybe ever.

Right. He is in theory extremely competent for the job for which he is applying. He’ll be so competent that we won’t feel the need to discuss the minutia of the presidency in every single conversation. I guess the wording can be taken either way, but much like Joe3030330 maybe the confusion is part of the charm.