Kamala / Walz 2024

Surely you can do better than support another dreadful “centrist” (ie right winger), even if she has been discriminated against?

Rice is the better pick. Only hardcore rightwingers (pretend to) care about Benghazi.

This will be an unpopular take, but limiting themselves first to a woman and then to a black woman (I don’t think they officially did this, but this is basically how they presented to the media) was a big unforced error. If they had really good picks lined up, then it would be fine. But they didn’t, and now they’re in this situation where they’re picking between a not-great Senator from a lock blue state with clear liabilities, and a bunch of people with limited credentials and no electoral upside.

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I don’t support her. We won’t go into her voting record being one of the more progressive in the Senate, because that would contradict the narrative here, but she’s probably 3rd on my VP-stakes list. Grisham and Rice are both more qualified and bring more to the table, IMHO.

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I’m too far removed to know much about potential running mates for Biden other than where the famous ones sit on the left-right axis.

I saw Rice’s name mentioned above and assumed it was Condoleeza lol.

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Not sure that doesn’t make her more favorable to deplorables. And her taking shots at him but now bending the knee will DEFINITELY play well to deplorables.

I’d worry more about progressives being turned off, but taking shots at each other during the debates is so standard that I don’t think anyone but pundits cares.

A black female Democrat “sleeping her way to the top” plays well to deplorables? Flip flopping too? Cmon bro.

Nothing that can be perceived as bad about a Democrat plays well with deplorables; there are only degrees to which the negative message catches on.

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I was unclear. I mean it appeals to their misogyny and racism. I don’t mean it plays well as in it will get them to vote for her. The things you see as negatives are things deplorables aspire toward.

Can you tell me anything about where Susan Rice falls on the left-right axis for economic issues? Given the high potential for a Biden VP to have to assume the presidency, I am unwilling to buy a pig in a poke on those matters.

I haven’t following this closely, but I’m not a fan of Susan Rice for VP. She has never been elected to any office (that I know of), she is a think tank policy wonk, she has next to no name recognition outside of Benghazi, which probably does not matter but why risk reigniting the extant lizard neurons of the derposphere? What exactly is she bringing to the ticket politically?

Let it be Harris and hope she gets the chance to make Mike Pounce cry on TV at some point.


I’m concerned about Rice on this. She’s like $50M rich. I think she’d be tough, but I would need to know more to believe she’d be thoughtful. Also, she’d be a shit presidential candidate.

Bass or Warren!

He’s going to need two years just to make the executive branch halfway functional for god sakes.

She doesn’t have much of a domestic policy track record, but my read is that she’s fairly left of center, but she’s gonna be inclined towards incremental improvement within institutions rather than burning stuff down.

Her mom was a education policy scholar who had a hand in creating Pell Grants. Her dad was on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Stepdad was General Counsel of the CBO. She want to Stanford before a Rhodes Scholarship. She did a 2 year stint at McKinsey (shout out Mayor Pete :slight_smile: ).

On the other hand, a lot of her experience academically and at State involved Africa, and hearing her talk about those experiences leads me to think that she has a pretty good understanding of the ways that systemic disadvantages can undermine individual talent.

So, yeah, the best you can probably hope for is some “I’ve got a plan for that” style progressivism.


Here’s Susan Rice as a student forming an “alternative endowment” where students could donate to Stanford, but Stanford only received unfettered access to the $ if it divested from South Africa or South Africa got rid of apartheid. I think projects like this illustrates her theory of change.



god dammit, the more these old white fuckers do this, the more they make me root for Kamala to be the pick. I’m halfway to being a full on Kamala stan now. Fuck off, Ed fucking Rendell.


also, lol


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It has just occurred to me that Biden’s advisers may be thinking that Harris will be a talking point against Donnie Dumb Dumb’s LAW & ORDER narrative. Like instead of pointing out that DDD himself breaks the law all the time, they’re going to try to UM, ACTUALLY the story to say “we have Kamala, we do the tough on crime, too!”

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only this forum thinks “make criminals great again” is some sort of optimal strategy or actually a world to live in.

(yes we lock up too many people but an attorney general isn’t going to get anywhere not being tough on crime and all that at least publically)

Go ahead and quote the post where someone says “make criminals great again” or anything close, Mr Matthews

there’s an entire topic of posts wanting the exact same thing as they do–no police. This forum isn’t very smart sometimes.

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