Kamala / Walz 2024

The reason I don’t love Kamala is that she was essentially a cop and ACAB.

I’m voting for Biden even if he picked Charles Manson as VP, but I don’t think there’s a VP pick out there that doesn’t somewhat hurt him with a certain segment of the electorate


yeah complaining that a VP might use it as a stepping stone to be president someday is utter bullshit.

If anything, the world would have been better off of Gore had focused more on becoming President.

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You’re sounding a bit hysterical.

I kid! :wink:


I view Kamala using this as a springboard to a Presidential run as a big negative, but that’s because I want someone much better to follow Biden. Not because of some perceived idea that that makes her less effective or desirable as a VP.

Picking a VP candidate should ideally be an exercise to pick the person who you would choose if you were just trying to pick the most qualified person to be President.

Sure but in reality it only works that way on tv.

That’s fine, argue against her on policy or merits, but the sexist BS just makes me actually want to root for her to get it.

I’m reading tweets from pretty strong Warren for VP stans who are now saying they are fine with Kamala if it sticks it to these DNC donor dinosaurs (donorsaurs?)

Of course, this is probably some kind of crafty trial balloon tactic, and if so, makes me think she’s already the pick.

Gotta be honest, my eagerness for a black female VP and potentially POTUS overrides an irrational amount for me about Kamala. I wouldn’t be able to turn it down.

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Not hearting this post until after skydiver does

Nah, there are plenty of great women of color. We don’t have to accept the first one the eDems rubber stamp as acceptable to their monied interests.

Harris likes to lean into her prosecutorial background when it suits her politically. Let’s see her use it for the general good instead. She can be President if she spearheads a program to incarcerate all the Trump admin officials committing crimes in the open.


I don’t think there is a woman of color who is a serious option with an established voting record more liberal than Kamala Harris.


I’m probably going to be in the minority here but we could do a whole lot worse than Kamala Harris. The last 5 elections the Dem VP picks have been:


I would posit Kamala Harris is a much better VP pick and would make a much better president than any of those. She isn’t one of my top choices either but I won’t spend much time hand wringing if she is ultimately the pick.




Sure but like, the absurd over-incarceration problem we have isn’t getting any better in a biden/harris administration. It’s something that literally decimates plenty of communities throughout the country.

Kamala seems like the obvious pick among the rumored short-list.

IMO the objective here is simply play it safe and not pick anyone that could possibly harm your current position in the polls/public opinion. A couple of the finalists (Bass/Demmings) would be labeled as too inexperienced to be a heartbeat away, and have the derposphere playing up the Biden health nonsense. Rice would be 3 months of non-stop OBAMAGATE/BENGHAZI!!! that I think would sadly have some sticking power.

What’s the dirt on Kamala that’s going to stick? The prosecutor background? Sure, there’s some ugly stuff there, but Trump doesn’t exactly have the inside track on policing/race/mass incarceration issues.

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Ok I think I’ve cracked this one. Biden should pull a Time Mag 2006 Person of the Year cop out and declare that his VP is … All Women!


Who has a better shot right now? I’m not saying settle for her and position her as the best candidate today and the example for tomorrow. But if he picks her, I’ll be excited to vote her into office in a way I’m not excited for Biden. Just getting the job done with him. Setting a precedent for an even better woman of color if Kamala is brought in.

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The obvious line of attack is going to be the money she made as a member of two state boards that she was appointed to by Willie Brown, her then-lover who was over thirty years older than her. One job paid her $99k per year to attend two meetings per month, which she missed quite a few of.


I’d run lots of ads using footage of Harris taking shots at Biden during the debates. It serves the dual purpose of painting her as disingenuous (did she mean the bad things she said about him then or the nice things she’s saying about him now?) and also amplifying attacks on Biden that Democrats are more likely to listen to because they were being stated by a fellow Dem.

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If she’s not the VP pick, she’s got to be a huge favorite for AG, so either way, she’s gonna be in the admin.

This is really complicated and might be too convoluted for MAGAbrains to follow. shorten it to “She slept her way to the top” and then they get it…even though it’s of course a little more nuanced than that.

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