Kamala / Walz 2024

I think this is true, but it is infuriating that he phrased it in such a way that it can be latched onto by either very left or very right opponents to undermine his candidacy. Biden is who he is so expect more of this, but it’s a layup to frame this idea in better, blander, terminology.

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If our hope is Biden is going to become some great orator we should stop holding our breath. He is below average speaker but competent. That’s the best he will ever be at this point.

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Agreed, I don’t expect him to get better at this point. I was looking at it more like an Occam’s Razor kind of thing: Biden’s Razor says the simplest explanation for a muddled and confusing riff from Joe Biden is that he often expresses himself poorly and has for decades.

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I care more about an overarching strategy of class warfare. What are the best tactics for getting wealthy donors to get behind an anti-billionaire strategy?


Appeal to their legacy. Rich people are selfish, but as they get older they start to panic about being remembered as bad, or even worse being forgotten completely.

this whole notion that you’d all prefer that billionaires all give their money to trump instead of biden for this election is stupid purity shit, you can stab them in the back with their own money.

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If it’s Rice, what’s the O/U on the date Barr announcers an investigation and/or indictment of her or others re: OBAMAGATE!

Within weeks. It’s like 90%+ to happen.

Kamala up to .60 on PI, for whatever that’s worth.

I grabbed some Rice at +275 because why not.

75 new posts in the VP pick thread! I wonder who Joe picked? I mean that’s the only thing that could generate that many posts in the VP thread in 24 hours, right?

Your pony says “Chris made the same joke 30 hours ago”.

They wouldn’t be giving the money if they thought there was any chance they’d be stabbed in the back.

Like, start at square one: do you agree that citizens united and unlimited super pac contributions are a problem? If so, why?

And then explain why that problem disappears when it’s a Democrat taking the money.

This is really dumb, that problem can’t be fixed at the moment. The more money the other side has the better their chances of winning.

Some here just wanna wage war on everyone at once, luckily nobody thinking like that was in charge of the civil war, you’d have thrown out all the white supremacists see them join the other side and as a result, lost. Seems like this forum won’t be happy unless a fidel castro type is leading the country so whatever.

Citizens United is a problem because it forces the democrat to take the money.

At least we’re not the only ones who don’t want Copmala. Some big Biden donors are pushing against her being the pick.

Disclaimer: I honestly have no dog in this fight, and I think all the finalists are perfectly acceptable. Lest you think I’m some kind of Kamala stan, I am not.

The concerns focus on her attacks on Biden during a primary debate last year, bringing into question her loyalty to the former vice president.

Just what we want, a yes-woman who never challenges anything the president says. How is being willing to challenge Biden a bad thing? The president isn’t a dictator (or shouldn’t be) and needs people to tell him when he’s being an idiot. I mean, look what we have now!

Some also argue that she’s too ambitious and that she will be solely focused on eventually becoming president.

I’m sorry, what? Since when did this become disqualifying for the VP pick? As far as I know, the majority of VPs have gone on to run for president. Fucking FORMER VP BIDEN is the nominee RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.

Can anyone guess what the difference is? I’ll give you 3, and the first two don’t count.

hint: we want a meek, compliant woman because women aren’t supposed to challenge the men who lead


Ya those are pretty terrible attacks for the reasons in spoilers. If anything her attack on Biden is a reason to pick her.


The misogyny is glaringly obvious to any woman who has been told she’s too aggressive, too bossy, too ambitious, too brash, too bold…

that’s every woman, btw