Kamala / Walz 2024

Biden definitely wins the primary in 2016, Hillary gets knocked out early and Biden cruises. Biden over Trump, and we’re getting ready for Biden to lose to whoever wins the GOP nom this cycle if Trump loses big in 2016.


Possibly. But with Trump soundly defeated in 2016, its possible the GOP goes back to standard run of the mill evil like Jeb or Romney in 2020, and we avoid the ruining of the entire judicial branch for a generation.

Right I agree with that.

What if Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden split the establishment vote, but neither of them are willing to pull a Buttigieg, so Bernie sneaks into the nomination? What happens then?

In college two of my roommates had a bet for a dinner of the winner’s choosing. One had 1st black president, one had 1st woman president. I think it was a push if black woman happened first. My handicapping at the time the bet was made (2006?) was lol neither of you are winning this bet for 20+ years. This is why I don’t bet on politics.

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Tipper was awful and being married to her is an unforgivable sin, but Gore would have won easily in 2000 if Clinton had been able to keep his dick in his pants.

That’s how bad Dubya was.

People wanted nothing to do with anything related to him so much that even racists thought it was okay to vote for a black guy with Hussein as his middle name.

Gore inherited a good economy and said nuh uh no way I’m too pious for Ol’ Bill and that’s why he lost. He ran away from what people liked, losing his own home state in the process and that’s why Dubya ‘won’.

I’ll never forgive Gore for not asking for the whole state of Florida to be recounted. His cherry picking was the dumbest strategic decision ever and so easy to shoot down at the SC. It was the first election decided 5-4.

Perhaps we’ll get a similar rebound and see AOC 2024 after that speech.

That never happens but then Bernie beats Trump, chaos ensues.

The impeachment happened well before the election, Clinton returned to a level of popularity, and Gore could have run on Clinton’s record (he’s not his priest) which is what he should have done all along. It was a historically bad run.

Gore’s other mistake was having Joe fucking Lieberman as his VP.


Lots of stern lectures from Reasonable Centrists about how people that dont want to lose their home because of health care bills are ruining America with socialism.

Holy crap how did I forget who his VP was. Truly atrocious.

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lol, so I like Kamala a little more now that she managed to piss off Chris fucking Dodd and not bend the knee by “apologizing” for her first debate attack on Biden. Fuck that old asshole for being “shocked” that she stood her ground.

Well, she apologized to Colbert

“How did you go from being such a passionate opponent on bedrock principles for you, and now you guys seem to be pals?”


So you don’t mean it?

HEH heh HEH heh

So fucking weird.

Starts at 2:00 or so. So I’m having a little trouble with the idea that Kamala is staunchly standing by her attacks on Biden.

It was a DEBATE after all. What a two faced slimy politician. No cops in the White House please.

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Yeah this is the kind of insane babble that we just seem to accept in American politics.

Oh, you only care that Biden was vocally opposed to forced bussing in DEBATES? Cool, cool.

This is what I mean when I say that a lot of politicians have figured out that identity politics is a zero consequence way to gain favor without actually having to do anything. Kamala has a huge viral moment that was clearly prepared ahead of time where she attacks Biden on race. Several months later she has zero problem completely ignoring that and doing business as usual with the guy. She’s free to govern and act the exact same way she was planning to the whole time, but she’s also got a freeroll to gain credibility from progressive voters without doing anything to earn it.

The flip side is that it’s better for politicians to give lip service to legitimate criticisms from the left than to ignore them entirely. But man, it hurts a lot knowing that none of it is ever real.

It’s not just politics though. It’s the whole power structure of America. And probably the West too. We don’t teach leaderships to future leaders. We teach our best and brightest to climb power structures by building personal brands and horse trading influence. Every corporate leader in America is just as fake as Kamala Harris. The things they claim are convictions today are easily and freely discarded tomorrow in exchange for a promotion.


Don’t know much about Karen Bass, but I like everything I’ve seen from her, especially general chillness, that she was a philosophy major, and I don’t think she alienates anyone. She seems like an adult, and she’s kind of the anti-Hillary, in that the right hasn’t defined her (which it has to some extent with Rice and Harris). Dropped $70 on her at $0.14 on Predictit. That said, I don’t think VP makes a big difference vote-wise. Just look at Pence, Cheney, Gore, Quayle, etc.

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This is what I was trying to say about that Chris Dodd thing. It felt sexist because it is.
