Kamala / Walz 2024

  1. Nobody cares about vp.

Except the VP and others who want to be Prez, since the VP gig gives you the inside track to future noms.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s that people donā€™t care, especially since with Bidenā€™s age, his VP is a bit more important than VPā€™s past, but of the possible choices, none are going to make any voters change their minds or a lolundecided voter commit either way.


There hasnā€™t been an electable Veep on any ticket since Bush I in 1980-1984 (sorry Gore). Biden absolutely would not have been the nom in 2016 and he knew it in 2008. Donā€™t let anyone tell you differently. Heā€™s in a perfect storm situation. Thatā€™s it.

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Iā€™m not advocating for any former VP Iā€™m just saying that soulless career climbers (you know, the people that run our society) will perceive the VP slot as a personal opportunity.

Iā€™m just saying there hasnā€™t been a presidential Veep in nearly 40 years. It would be nice to have one.

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Eh, Gore was solid enough. Probably wouldā€™ve made a decent POTUS. He just got boned.

I hated him as much as most people here hated Hillary Clinton. I think he wouldnā€™t have been worse than Dubya and thatā€™s about as much credit as Iā€™d be willing to give him. I was super pissed he ran away from Bill Clinton in the election and his pre-Veep life was absolute s***. May I remind you of Tipper?

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Whoever Biden picks will instantly shoot to #1 on the ranking sheet for the Democratic nomination in 2024.

While who he selects is of very little consequence for this election, itā€™s very important for the future of the country.

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Goreā€™s handling of the 2000 election was the most lol Democrats thing ever. He clearly won, yet the entire party stood around waiting for the GOP to adhere to norms and behave respectfully. The GOP learned that norm-shattering and cheating works, the Democrats learned nothing.


I highly disagree with this. Not only would Biden have been the nominee in 16, he would have won by a landslide. Deciding not to run in 2016 is one of the biggest failures in the history of American politics. I get why he didnt run, but he 100% should have.

No way. Biden couldnā€™t get anywhere in primaries in 2008. He was a garbage presidential candidate who had run many times. He was absolutely never intending to run in 2016 because he knew he would get wiped by nearly any Republican candidate. His son dying gave him a nice out, but the only person he ever could have beaten is Trumpā€¦and here we are.

Sure Biden sucked in 2008, but he was an incredibly popular VP with an incredibly popular pres behind him. He would have beaten Hillary in the primary and mopped the floor with Trump

It really does suck that Hillary lost. First Black president, followed by first female president. Could have been 16 years of epic white male grievances.

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I donā€™t agree he would have beaten Hillary. I for sure would have voted for Hillary over him, a real Sophieā€™s choice. Bernie also probably doesnā€™t run in 2016 if Biden does, so this country would have been heading a lot less left if those two had ran instead. Weā€™re kind of getting into alternate timeline history, where we could be in a really really bad spot today instead of in a really really really bad spot today. GOP would have probably had large majorities in both the House and Senate today if they hadnā€™t actually had to govern after Trump won in 2016.

If Trump goes down in flames, he may well have the claim to ā€˜greatestā€™ president. He will have singlehandedly broken congressional gridlock and destroyed the GOP in one fell swoop. He will also quite possibly have moved the country well left of where it was when he got in. If he wins, he will be the worst president in history no doubt and we will be in for a true reign of (t)error.

People said this after the 2008 election.

Not even close to the same thing.

Come on, man. Itā€™s very disappointing to see you say, hey, same thing. The Tea Party wasnā€™t even a thing then. This is it man, the end game. Youā€™re far too desensitized if you think we arenā€™t at the actual abyss right now.

lol, no. Do you believe your life will be better or worse under a next Trump term? Do you believe you will get closer to what you want or further away from what you want (possibly for the rest of your life) with a second Trump term? Do you believe you are more likely or less likely to be thrown in jail with a second Trump term for your beliefs and activism? 7-2 Supreme Court means no one on the left is going to get what they want without a major expansion of the court no matter how well written the law is and that wonā€™t happen because the second Trump term outcome happened. This country is over with that outcome. This isnā€™t sky is falling crying wolf stuff.

If your goal is a violent revolution, then sure, Trump is your best bet for that but I donā€™t think youā€™ll get nearly as many people off the couch as you hope.

Now youā€™re picking an argument that Iā€™m not even making.