Kamala / Walz 2024

Midwestern governor seems like the obvious choice, but I suppose he’s going to go with the cop.

I am starting to think it might be Susan Rice. Thank you for reading my blog.

Or Duckworth. Tucker Carlson might have handed her the VP spot with his idiotic takes.

Whitner, Duckworth, and Bass (from a quick glance) seem like the smart options. So of course we’ll get Kopmala shoved down our throats.

don’t we kinda want someone that can run for president easily after bidens term tho? Would whitmer be good for that? i like her alot

agree, i’ll be happy with anyone not kamala

It’d be Gay Marriage 2.0 but I’d at least appreciate the stones it takes to say that as a campaign message

I could live with her either way but chances of that statement are 0% considering Joe wants to give cops more money

More likely that she oversees police “reform” requiring police to put padding (Kamala Kushions!) on their clubs before beating the hell out of you for no reason.

Look, I’m not a Kamala stan by any stretch, but I do like to correct records when its warranted…This is a balanced article about her truancy program. No one has been jailed. I’m not defending the program, just trying to tone down the hyperbole a bit.

from the article:

At most, 20 parents have been prosecuted in a typical year, Miller said, and none have been jailed. The charge used by the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office doesn’t even carry the potential for jail time; instead, it’s a lower-level infraction that can at worst result in a fine. (The fine is typically $100 per child in San Francisco, but fines can go up to thousands of dollars under state law.)


inb4 we find out people can be jailed for unpaid fines/failure to appear

I was specifically addressing your claim that Kamala threw mothers in jail…she did not. No one has been jailed from this program. I am not disputing that people are in jail for all sorts of ridiculous things that should not be jail-worthy.

I also said that I didn’t support the program, and let me be clear, I don’t think jail should be on the table for things like this. I don’t think there should even be a punitive program like this. But the argument can be made how you did in your second post, without resorting to untrue statements.

So yes, I was fact checking, because as much as I despise the stupid specious claims made by the right, it really hurts to see it coming from the left, as well. I think we have a responsibility to make claims that are true, and not fall victim to propaganda and narratives that are easily used to manipulate.


Moderates really gonna yell at lefties for not voting for a former prosecutor and Joe. Man. This country.

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Maybe next cycle the dems can run a former police officer and a former army officer on the same ticket.

So you failed to communicate that in your first post, and I jumped on it.

I appreciate your idea here, but throwing out statements like “Hey she put moms in jail for their kids skipping school” leaves you open to fact checking like what I did, or being accused of lying.

Instead of making an overarching claim like that with no explanation, why not explain to dummies like me that you meant effectively jailed by way of not paying fines, a mark on their record, future prosecution for other things, etc? Not everyone is as aware of the abolition idea/agenda as you are, and we need to be brought along and welcomed in. I hadn’t heard of it in detail until I read your posts on this forum.

I guess I’m trying to plead for a little understanding and perhaps give a little bit of feedback on your messaging. Because to me, it looks like hyperbole and “fake news” and I don’t think it’s helpful when you’re trying to persuade or explain to us normies.


Maybe! And if they’re both women of color, that might even be a big step! And, step by step, maybe we hit some of our mutual goals.

I dunno, tho. Considering that in two thousand and fucking sixteen this country elected Donald fucking Trump, I think you might be getting ahead of yourself.

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No worries!

I seriously admire what you’re doing and have been doing. I am not young and healthy enough to be out there like you are, and I’ve learned a lot just from reading your posts on here.

But…you have to give some of us stodgy old people time and knowledge to catch up :wink:


Legit notsureifsrs

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karen bass pumping going on now after some quote from someone I’ve never heard of claimed she was told it was either her or duckworth

man, feels like that would cost him two points or something simply because nobody’s ever heard of her and lots of people are looking for him for an experienced ready to step in VP which her experience is house rep. On the plus side she doesn’t piss anyone off because nobody knows who she is. She’s also not been vetted by the media yet, so if they’re floating her like this to get them on it now that’s smart.

Karen Bass seems like a bad choice based on not just being an unknown but a relatively old unknown. If Biden’s planning on serving one term and bailing it seems pretty dumb to set up a 70-year-old (Bass’s age in 2024) to replace you.

Based on that she’s probably a lock because lolBiden.