Kamala / Walz 2024

Seems like Warren would be the smart pick based on this poll


Honestly, I donā€™t think thereā€™s a particular job area where you could say Biden is ā€œweakā€. Heā€™s obv got legislative and executive experience both, as well as foreign and domestic policy. That means we turn to the more esoteric weaknesses, like age and demographics.

Age hurts Warren, thereā€™s no doubt about it. I would even say itā€™s a knock against Demings (63).

As for demographics, itā€™s easy to say ā€œBiden already has the black voteā€ but there is an argument for turnout to be made: lots of Black voters stayed home in 2016 and we need them to come out. However, Latinx is a huge bloc thatā€™s been neglected by Biden so far (argh it puts me on tilt), as is AAPI.

I still donā€™t think Warren is the best choice (she had the same issue as Pete: failed to connect with POC), but Iā€™m not convinced Kamala is, either.

Before you say we need to turn out the baseā€¦POC ARE the base, not young progressives. Sorry, thatā€™s just the way it is. The youngs couldnā€™t even care enough to turn out for Bernieā€¦Iā€™m still not convinced they are the best demo to chase.

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I think a bad VP choice can suppress turnout. Not sure it can drive turnout higher.

Honestly all the names that have been floated are totally acceptable to me. There seems to be a subset of twitter pols who care a great deal, but in the end, I donā€™t think itā€™s going to move the needle that much.


I actually think Warren would be a perfectly competent VP, but I agree that sheā€™s probably the most polarizing.

Kamala Harris didnā€™t really have POC support, either, so who the hell knows. The only candidate with measurable POC turnout numbers is Grisham, but no one knows who she is and that was for a statewide race, not national.

Side note: the fact that no one can name more than 1 or 2 qualified Latinx VP candidates (male or female) is a glaring commentary on the demographics of our leadership. Iā€™m not saying they donā€™t exist, Iā€™m saying they have no national profile, and that needs to change.


Does it even matter? Does anyone care? Is there anyone other than Jared formerly of Subway that would make you consider not voting him for a nanosecond?

He should pick Lebron. Or Jeb Bush.

I dunno who they are tbh, but there simply isnā€™t enough politics betting to be a ā€˜proā€™ at it, even if youā€™re a goddamn genius at it. Itā€™s like being a pro poker player who plays 500 hands a year.

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Iā€™m very much not an expert, but it seems to me that Democratic VPā€™s end up getting the nomination for a presidential campaign way too often for people to disregard that choice.

This would be a great time for AOC to confess sheā€™s been lying about her age and is actually in her early forties


uh oh


Having already had COVID-19 might actually be a pre-requisite for being Bidenā€™s Veep.

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Iā€™m seeing Tammy Duckworthā€™s name floated right now. I thought she was born in Thailand and isnā€™t eligible. Incorrect?

I believe her father was American and in the UN or military in some capacity. I think that makes her eligible?

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If youā€™re an American citizen at birth, youā€™re eligible.

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Mccain was born in Panama. Ted Cruz in Canada.

I didnā€™t know the Zodiac Killer operated in Canada.


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Glad to hear that Joe is making a nod to progressives by nominating a former prosecutor and corporate suckup as his VP. Aprtly GWB is running as a democrat this year?

oh, a new name makes an appearance on the list!


A Karen? Laziest. Writers. Ever.