Kamala / Walz 2024

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”

Amy Klobuchar is a trash human and all around sociopathic scumbag and I’ll never believe otherwise. Some of you people apparently think its funny that she throws shit at staffers making $22k a year and screams obscenities at them for forgetting her plastic fork, but I can assure you, as someone who spent years working for a monster, that shit isn’t funny.


“Please klob”


Who thinks it’s funny?

I would if the comedic timing was on point.
I haven’t seen her do that and haven’t worked for her or even heard credible reports of it happening so I can’t pass a judgement on her as I was not there to determine whether throwing stuff at her staffers was funny in the moment

Also, while Klob is a terrible person, the people who work for her probably suck too. Who cares if Vice President Selina humiliates Dan? Dan’s terrible!

the takeaway is that Klob said Joe should pick a woman of color. Basically throwing Warren under the bus.

LOL, I think the Chapo Trap House guys are reading this forum. I see so much of the stuff we say end up on the show word for word

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Huge Duckworth surge on predictit, currently 2nd at 15c (Kamala 49, Demings 13, Rice 10, Warren 8)

My sleeper

yeah but like, what if instead, they were cops?


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I don’t think much good would have come from Obama speaking out vs Trump. It would have just fed meat to the Trump base and given them "evidence " of a deep state. How do you reason with the irrational?

Trump’s base will find evidence of a deep state no matter what. If you believe that Democrats needs to maximize their own turnout and not worry about the Republican base, the question is how much Obama speaking out affects turnout, especially among African-American and younger voters.

Speaking out in 2020 will lose its lustre if you spoke out every year prior and will not have the affect you desire when it matters most.

He made two huge speeches last month.

I’m starting to think that Biden ending up being and nom AND societal collapse is the best case scenario to beat Trump. I’m all aboard the progressive left train, but with shit just nonstop blowing up around Trump I think Sleepy Joe ends up luckboxing this thing. How many people actually “hate” Biden? Even if he is senile I still think a decent amount of republicans vote for him over 4 more years of this bullshit. He just needs to keep staying in his basement and not hold a live press conference for the next few months.


I’m going to do something I’ve never done here before and probably won’t do again. So bear with me.

I got a long—crazy long—email from a reader about Biden’s VP choice.

This reader is a professional gambler who bets on political outcomes for a living.

He does not want his name revealed.

So we’re just going to call him code-name “Domer.”

Anyway, Domer wrote for me a giant piece explaining why he thinks the literal smart money—meaning, sharp players making cash wagers—should be on Val Demings as Biden’s VP.

And the entire thing is so smart and interesting that I’m going to give the newsletter over to him so he can explain his thinking.

Ladies and gentlemen, good luck. Here’s Domer:

Joe Biden is likely to select Kamala Harris, a Senator from California, as his running mate about six weeks from now. Bettors arebetting on Harris. Pundits arepredicting Harris. Reporters arereporting Harris in the lead. And Kamala’s personal connection to Joe ispreviewing a possible ticket. But that could be a mistake and, in my estimation, an unforced error at a key inflection point for the campaign.

I’m betting, literally, that when the vetting narrows down the choices—when the pros and cons of all of the candidates they’ve interviewed are white boarded and chewed over and argued about in the context of what this race is really about—that a little known member of Congress, Val Demings, comes out on top.

Will this actually happen? Probably not! But it might happen, and bettors are starting to figure that out—the odds on Demings have shortened from 50-1 to 5-1 in the past few weeks. I hope to walk you through the process of trying to find and predict an unlikely outcome. An outcome that could provide a windfall profit, if my instincts are correct.

domah’s reads are usually correct

This could just be stupid internet shit but it might also relate to her becoming the VP


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I seriously doubt someone bets politics for a living. He might be profitable betting on politics, but those are separate things.

Harris was my pick for president prior to the election cycle (cause Ted Lieu and AOC aren’t eligible, and the whole Al Franken thing happened.
After watching them all on the debate stage she dropped significantly behind a clear cut Warren #1. She might be #2, I just don’t know who I like after Warren, they’re all such a distant 2nd.