Kamala / Walz 2024

I think this completely misses the tone of this election. Everything was fine and humming along in 2016, more so than any election since 2000 so the main topics were minutiae and nonsense that was given air. Almost impossible for that in 2020 given the state of the country.

I just donā€™t know how you can read that vox article a few posts up and think Harris would be a good president. Especially right now when the inherent unfairness of the criminal justice system is on everyoneā€™s minds 24/7.

Shows how much YOU know. I didnā€™t read the Vox article.



I hear you, but her voting record in the Senate is good.

Shitty use of that meme. Itā€™s not like weā€™re big Klob fans here.


Oh I didnā€™t mean to say thatā€™s how people here think, the cop in the meme is Joe Bidenā€™s campaign, trying to find the least threatening to midwestern white people nominee while still being able to say hey look we nominated a woman of color.

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Hypothetically, of the commonly mentioned names, who is Bidenā€™s best bet if he feels he needs to shore up support among:

  1. Midwestern white people
  2. Hispanic/Latino
  3. Young people

It really depends on your electoral strategy: turn out more of our ā€œbaseā€, or turn out ā€œbiconceptualā€ voters (what people mistakenly think of as moderates). For the latter,

  1. Whitmer or Klob
  2. Grisham
  3. uhā€¦who cares? They donā€™t vote.

For the former,

  1. Whitmer or Baldwin
  2. Grisham
  3. Warren or Grisham (sheā€™s more progressive than you think, yo)

Honestly, Bernieā€™s campaign proved two things in the primary: trying to turn out the youth vote is more effort than its worth, and turning out the Latino vote is definitely worth considering. He crushed in that demographic, and the fact that Biden hasnā€™t hired Bernieā€™s constituency director to help with Latino outreach is a crime.

This is all just navel gazing though. Heā€™s probably picking Harris.

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Downward klobmentum



Truly the Jeb! of this election cycle.


Watch Joe still offer it to her. Will they claim it was deliberate or admit he forgot?

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Joe if you see this please know ILU

honestly, sheā€™s a great senator. Which is why she should stay there.

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Iā€™ve heard of her being a tireless worker who gets shit done, so be proud sheā€™s an elected official on your team even if you donā€™t like her views if she were to be president




RIP a true hero of the Midwest.


the takeaway is that Klob said Joe should pick a woman of color. Basically throwing Warren under the bus.

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Looks like the Klobucharge card hit itā€™s credit limit. Time to cut this one up.



Saying that she is throwing Warren under the bus implies that they were allies.

It would make more sense if Klob was acting as a surrogate for Biden, with the goal being to dull any support within the party for Warren so that Biden does not feel forced to accept her as a compromise.

If Klobuchar was tired of being a Senator and wanted a Cabinet position, which jobs would she be qualified for?