Kamala / Walz 2024


Among the candidates who have progressed to the point of more comprehensive vetting or have the potential to do so are Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), Rep. Val Demings (D-Fla.), former national security adviser Susan E. Rice and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, all of whom are black. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who is white, is also in that group, as is New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who is Latina.

Several top Biden allies said this past week that they increasingly view Harris as the best fit to be Biden’s running mate. They believe the senator from California, a former state attorney general, could appeal to the party’s activist wing as well as its professional class

lolololol at bolded

The only way they can believe that is that they are conflating snarky comments with activism, right? Harris does lob the occasional good barb. I guess that qualifies as activism for the eDems.

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If Harris get the VP nod it’s going to be really difficult for to not completely tune out of all thing 2020 election.

Bullshit, Obama carried all of those twice.

Only acceptable VP choices on this board are Sanders after a sex-change operation or a time traveling AOC.


It’s different. It makes no sense to normal humans. Midwest people SUCK.

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I don’t think it matters who he picks on the shortlist for 2020. But going forward, the last Dem who held the office of Vice President and did not go on to be the Presidential nominee at some point was born 10 years after the civil war.

Joe’s not that old, man.

I read that in Joe’s voice.

…or they’re thinking Harris = black, BLM are activists → Harris satisfies the activist wing (read: BLM and The Blacks in general) of the party? I dunno, I got nothing. Hilariously bad no matter how you slice it.

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I’m fine with Harris. She’s probably significantly more liberal than Rice. Would love Omar or Jayapaul as a troll. Want Warren because I really like like Warren and could wear my Warren t-shirts.

Biden doesn’t need a foreign policy person. Foreign policy was one of his main things for 40 years.

What’s the issue with Harris? Black/Asian, good voting record in Senate, sharp—some good barbs, good attack dog, good debater.

Is it because she was a prosecutor? Have her do a mea culpa, things have changed, I will do better,…Or is it being the other woman? Or is it when she ran there wasn’t a lot of there there?

She was in charge of an office that went after parents of children that missed school. I’m fine with it, but it makes the left wing upset for some reason (racism?).

She laughed at dumb left wing ideas about legalizing drugs. And it was caught on tape.

If it’s Harris we’re going to be litigating some case where she sent a black kid off to jail. Or they’ll just make some shit up like the birth certificate nonsense or the switboat thing. Any VP pick is going to have a fabricated scandal attached to them.

It’s almost as if criminal justice is complex and a career as a leader in it would require various positions based on subtle differences between cases.

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And The NY Times will run headlines about it daily from October 1 to Election Day.

Their thinking is that. I mean the dems wore kente cloths which are from Ghana to show their solidarity with black lives matter movement here lol

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Warren > Grisham > Harris > Demings > Rice > Bottoms imo


I think Harris would be a perfectly fine VP and would likely be a good President. I preferred other candidates over her in the primary, but whatever, I don’t subscribe to political purity tests. No candidate is going to be perfect.

Note: I’m not evaluating her based on if she helps with votes, just if she’d do a good job in the position.


I think your last sentence is in line with what Joe will most likely do, just pick whoever he figures would do the best job of it. No matter who he picks he loses like half a percent or something so he might well just go whatever people are gonna get mad anyway so I’m picking this person deal with it.jpg.