Kamala / Walz 2024

Not convinced that’s true, especially with a candidate at the top who was born during the Roosevelt administration.

I’m not saying that Susan Rice can’t be some type of policy advisor or some shit, but putting her in the VP slot seems bad.

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If the choice is really down to 6 and Harris, Warren and Rice are confirmed, who are the other 3?

My guess would be Tammy Duckworth is one of the 3. Is Biden holding out hope and leaving Michelle Obama on the list? Who else?

Given Biden’s age, I don’t think there’s anyway Keisha Lance Bottoms is on the list. 1st term mayor of Atlanta to VP and potentially having to take over is quite a leap to make imo.

Lujan Grisham makes sense. For some reason I thought I remembered seeing something that she wasn’t interested but I seem to have imagined that.

definitely not true, my dad voted for Obama in 2008 because he was legit shook by the idea of Palin being president. First time he voted Democrat since Humphrey.

edit: maybe since McGovern. Hard to imagine he voted for McGovern but he always votes and he hated Nixon.

She’s a black woman with significant experience in international affairs. Seems a tad harsh.

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no one gives a shit about international affairs

It sounds fancy tho.

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C’mon man, she was the US National Security advisor. She was on the shortlist to be Secretary of State.

And lol @ anyone who’s scared that Republicans will make hay out of Benghaziiiiiigate. Republicans will manufacture a bullshit scandal for literally anyone who gets picked.


But does she play in Peoria??? If we’re having Rice I’d go with CONDI. They ask Pence what thing he’d change about sports and he’ll say make Jesus an honorary captain or some bullshit people only pretend to care about to own the libz. Condi will say fix the college football playoff and win every swing state and then you have a backdoor draw to Schumer jerking himself to death to all the bipartisanship.


Do you really want to be re-litigating Benghazi in the 2020 election? Anyone from that era should be completely off limits.

I’m perfectly fine with the idea of Republicans deciding that re-litigating Benghazi is their key to winning the election.

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Yea they only crushed in 2014 and 2016 with the help of Benghazi, why not let them try again.

How is Benghazi any worse than a different attack vector against a different candidate? At least Benghazi has a been-there, done-that feel to it which will probably have diminishing returns if they go back to that well again.


I think there’s a build-up of froth around certain topics like Benghazi or the Clintons and it’s best not to let those fumes get agitated.

I think that the Clintons are toxic, but Benghazi in the absence of Hillary as a presence is about as harmful as conservatives droning on about Operation Fast and Furious.

Ben Gazi would be a secondary attack on Rice now, you bros aren’t keeping up with the Hannitysphere. They’d be going after her on Mueller and Flynn.

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I don’t think any of the VP possibilities mentioned really move the needle much and none of them seem to be a disaster. My first criterion is who would be the most capable and progressive president if Biden dies in office. My second criterion is who would trigger the conservatives the most if Biden wins. Wanting to unify the country is some weak-ass shit.

Val Demings, Keisha Lance Bottoms, and Michele Lujan Grisham. It’s buried in the ap article linked in that tweet.

If we’re going with who would be ready to run the country right now and is the best choice politically (fills in the gaps in Biden’s support), my top 3 are Lujan Grisham (by a mile), Warren, and Harris.

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You may be confusing her with the other Western, tri-named Latina that was in the running (Catherine Cortez Masto). She did publicly say that she didn’t want to be Biden’s VP.


It only mentions them as other black/brown women who “advisers closely looked at.” Also mentions Klob as still being as contender but her standing has fallen