Kamala / Walz 2024

This would be a great way to capitalize on all the fond memories that the Dem base has for the halcyon days of the GWB administration.

Klob has now fallen below Michelle Obama to 9th in Predictit.


I figure whoever joe picks he loses a point in the polls since some group is gonna be pissed. Regarding PI marketā€“I donā€™t know that Joe will pick based on politics rather than just simply whoever he thinks will be the best or he likes the best. The current odds are some combination of the two.

I didnā€™t know bottoms was allin on the biden campaign the entire time, whoops me at buying no on her there too soon. I still donā€™t think she gets it but the odds I paid was lol me.

Joeā€™s going to pick whoever passes the smell test, by which I mean heā€™s going to pick someone whose hair smells nice when he sniffs them from behind.


I say pick Penny Pritzker and be done. Nobody knows who she is, mission accomplished.


The down side - when you pick someone no one has heard of they will Google that personā€™s name, and the first thing that pops up is that sheā€™s a billionaire. Not great Bob.


Susan Rice only .10 at PI; I just dropped $10 on her.

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ā€œPenny Pritzkerā€ sounds like a character from a superhero comic book. Like, Penny Pritzker would be Mister Mxyzptlkā€™s girlfriend or whatever.


god damnit I nearly sold my NOā€™s on her two days ago and pick up some yes but Iā€™m like, well no way is he gonna do that, BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIII and Iā€™d have lost money, instead I lose more. I hate this market but lol me for betting against someone he worked with at that price. (also her massive trump supporting kid, awkward)

at least abrams NO is free money, I flipped on that awhile ago.

Grisham wonā€™t get it but theyā€™re almost certainly going to put her on the final released list for optics. Iā€™ll sell her then. Or Iā€™ll eat some more money, sad.

Rice is probably ahead of demings in reality right now if sheā€™s making the cut + their history.

Or better yet, setting her up so people here arenā€™t as pissed if itā€™s harris, harris is quite a bit more left than people here think she is. (thereā€™s some prog score sites out there sheā€™s more left than warren/sanders though idk how they calc such things)

Can someone inform me as to what in the hell a Susan Rice VP pick would do for Biden?

A pleasing olfactory addition to the team?

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I think that most of the time, that is characteristic of a very solid name to have.

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Only way it makes sense is if they want to somehow make Russiagate the centerpiece of their campaign. Which would be a disaster, so theyā€™ll probably do it.

I had actually hoped sheā€™d run for the Maine Senate seat, but she passed on that. Does she meet the qualifications that should be expected for the job? Sure. Not sure her selection brings much else.

Basically Susan Rice = Tim Kaine, so of course it will be her.

Iā€™m not even sure she passes that test. According to Wikipedia, her most recent elected office was student government president in high school.

She has Benghazi baggage and brings nothing to the ticket. Sheā€™s a foreign policy expert. Does anyone think that this election is going to be about foreign policy?

Biden needs the lowest variance VP possible. I hate to say it and itā€™s terrible that itā€™s true but a black woman will hurt him significantly in states like Ohio/Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania.

Nobody votes VP. Having a foreign policy expert seems like a good idea given every major issue you face is global, not the least of which is climate change, and Trump has shattered your reputation across the globe.

Everyoneā€™s objections to every single suggested VP are starting to look a little disingenuous.

Maybe Biden should pick whichever VP makes him the most comfortable to be around because he will be more more relaxed and coherent in his speeches. Someone who will support him might be better from that perspective than someone who will fight him too much behind the scenes.

Iā€™d prefer someone strongly progressive who can step in if Biden has a stroke, but from my POV, almost everyone looks relatively good compared to the idea of Hillary as VP. Glass half-full.