Kamala / Walz 2024

This has gone viral to the point of I’ve heard this mentioned today by normies IRL. The cliffs is that it’s a video of a black woman that is implying that an ‘illegal immigrant’ is getting free govt money to buy a food truck. However you listen very careful, she is really just saying that an ‘illegal immigrant’ got a car loan from a bank to buy a food truck.


Fairly off topic but i just wanted to say that I have posted so so much less the last couple weeks. It’s really for two reasons after thinking about it. One is I’m pretty confident Kamala is going to win, so I’m not doomscrolling as much. And two my usual schtick of Dems suck so bad, they are the end boss, nothing good can possible happen with these band of losers is just demonstrably untrue right now.

I can’t tell you how content and unworried those two things make me feel tbh. Watching our side kick ass and do good things is great and I really would do almost nothing different from what they have done the last 3-4 weeks.


Failed restaurant sold to person with money. Film at 11.


Agree with this, but if Trump actually wins, it’s going to be the most depressing election outcome of my life by an astronomical margin.

2016 was bad, but Trump was an unknown, and Hillary sucked.

But if we actually sign up for that again after Democrats have finally been doing what we’ve wanted them to do for years, I’m not sure how I’ll handle that.


Right wingers discover self depreciation and think it’s lying. Fucking weirdos.


I always find this hard, because what I want is an Asian mild, not a white person mild. That’s a hard spot to describe on the scale

Wait. This is actually a thing? They are trying to make this a thing?

Hopefully the more people that watch that video the better.

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Agreed with all this. I have been more hopeful and confident in our system than any time in the last - 12 years? That doesn’t mean everything is wine and roses, and like EB says, a loss here is going to be more devastating than I can imagine right now, but at the very least, it seems like somebody is listening about how we should be messaging, and that is a big deal.

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Well, she’s seen a lot of stuff about illegal immigrants on social media. So probably that’s why her business failed.

Not sure if these are actually rural voters, but I’ll take it


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It’s impossible to get a rightwing person to understand there is no such thing a white directed racism.

I’m with you on feeling much more positive, but I’m not ready to shed these beliefs until I see some actual results. Winning an election is what they do for themselves. Let’s see what they do after that for the rest of us.


I’ve been feeling similarly but I do think it’s a bit of the abused animal getting a dirty blanket for a night to sleep on. Sure, it’s better than not. However, I am not holding out much hope the dems morph into some quasi acceptable progressive organization. :grin:

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They probably never been inside a diner.

Doubt. As is, even if she thinks she’s right and isn’t outright lying, I doubt she knows the whole story, perhaps even if the person is undocumented or not and almost certainly whether the person had cosigners.

Walz is managing to put them on monkey tilt without even insulting them. This is something.

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It’s so fucking funny because you know there’s a sea of vile shit they insist is JUST JOKES


They’re trying to make comedy illegal.

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