Kamala / Walz 2024

Yeah, you’re a religious zealot about it and any suggestion that the issue has nuance is blasphemy. Grow up.

I’m not saying it doesn’t benefit anyone. I’m saying it harms more than it benefits.

I also said that rent control can be implemented in a manner that minimizes this effect, but that this proposition is not written that way.

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This is worse than slavery.

My son loves spicy food and I think it’s my fault. When he was really little, maybe 4 or something, I took him and his sister to Firehouse Subs for lunch. The restaurant had hot sauce bottles lined up on the counter in order from mildest to hottest. I thought it would be fun for my kid to try some, so I started with the one on the end and put a drop on his finger for him to taste.

I accidentally started at the hot end. I created a monster.



Totally normal take. Not weird at all.

A fried chicken taco sounds fantastic.


The best white guy tacos are made in Trump Tower. I love white guys!


Imagine how the media would react if trump ever said something racist


We had a version of this when my son was one.

We were at a bar patio and had a soft pretzel. He kept grabbing for the spicy brown mustard.

Finally my wife just let him have the cup. He first took a big fingerful and ate it, then went back for a handful and stuck that in his mouth then seemed fine.


What’s a real 7 on the white person scale. 10? 15?

We’ve got a couple of go to Thai places and once you get to the higher levels it’s basically clicking buttons. Normally I go 2 higher than my wife. Sometimes mine is spicier, sometimes hers is. Doesn’t really matter what you order.

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I don’t know how to compare it to higher numbers, I just know if I don’t ask, a “seven” will come out tasting like what I think a 4 or 5 would be, sometimes lower.

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I just say “White person hot.”

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Everywhere I go these days, I’m a regular so they know me and I’m never going to complain about something being too spicy.

When I go max on Indian food or Chinese food, I don’t think I’ve ever had a real problem. Occasionally, I’ve thought that it might be more enjoyable one level down, but it’s still enjoyable. With Thai food, I’ve had my face melted when I max out, so if I go to a new place, I tend to be a little more conservative. Probably for the best. I probably eat a lot more spicy food than I should.


Imagine if Trump said “give me black person watermelon cool” because those two things are exactly the same.

Would love to see some metrics on that last sentence.

All this talk about spicy Thai food, but is it hotter than Cajun? There’s a Cajun seafood place I go to that has 1-10 levels. I normally like a kick, so first time I got an 8. I laughed as the server warned me their levels are hotter than most and cockily said I think I can handle it. Well the top of my head just about came off and I could barely even eat it. Now I do 6 and that’s still hotter than anything I’ve gotten elsewhere

Posobiec is a freak and a weird dude


This is what makes the most confident about Harris. If she’s polling above Trump about the economy then he’s going to have a hard time

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