Kamala / Walz 2024

This is worth a watch.

“I specialised in prosecuting child sexual abuse”

I don’t know if this is true (and don’t care that much) but they could do more with this

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Clearly Walz needs to go on Hot Ones now.


I would watch that. Probably watch Harris too


On second thought, Walz might die.

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God damn. Such an incredible thing in contrast to Orange Fuck & Hillbilly. They could never do something like this because they’re weird assholes.

-Wow, houses are really expensive.
-Politician: Hmm, maybe we should subsidize demand for houses.
-Oh no, house prices went up!
-P: I guess we’re not subsidizing demand enough. Let’s subsidize demand harder.
-cycle repeats a million times Prices are still going up, maybe we should look at supply restrictions.
-P: What a great idea! Let’s make our next round of demand subsidies more narrowly tailored!

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Australia fucking loves doing this.

This cycle of idiocy is reaching the breaking point in NYC. The 2019 rent control law is transparently insane.


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It realizes the social media landscape we now live in and directly uses modern communication to get their messages out. Until now the dems had been using 75 year old comm strategies because they all were 75 plus years old.

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I dunno man, he uses bell peppers AND chili powder? Seems sus. (Sidenote, if/when they win, I will make this for dinner and wash it down with some ice cold Vernors.)


Turkey Taco Tot hotdish reminds me of the first Covid thanksgiving weekend(may be a bit off on date here but somewhere in there)where i drunkenly made a chili pizza and posted it step by step here mostly as a joke and it ended up being amazing.

Also I have interacted with a lot of Minnesotans through curling and they all seem very similar to Walz in one way or another. It’s wild that somehow Minnesota avoided becoming a shithole abyss with the rest of the middle states.





I don’t usually browse the soda aisle but I don’t recall ever seeing Vernors in MN. My Detroit soda consumption is limited to Faygo.

I’m a big ginger ale/beer fan so I’d give it a try.

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we have rent control on the ballot in CA this year and our stupid fucking State Democratic party endorsed it.

Meanwhile, the NIMBYest Republicans in cities like Huntington Beach are out here campaigning for the prop to pass because they actually read it and the way it’s written would mean that local jurisdictions could sue the state to avoid all of the housing mandates that have been put in place over the last few years.

Not to mention rent control itself is like climate change for economists: almost 100% agreement that it’s bad and strangles housing supply and makes homelessness worse.

Dish don’t lie.

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Seems like he might live forever. Hes looked exactly the same since the accident 25 years ago