Kamala / Walz 2024

What so Trump bought Epstein’s old plane?

I’m fine with Obama and Biden speaking. Obama’s really good at it and it would be odd if Biden didn’t make an appearance as president.

The Clintons don’t really add anything except bad vibes.


He leased it. Or the campaign did. And unsurprisingly his campaign did not research the plane’s use history the way airplane geeks do. So it’s a pretty hilarious coincidence it would seem.


That’s quite different. IIRC, those two are on record pretty much saying that they won’t even vote for Orange Man. Obviously, once someone gets to that point, they’re no longer invited.

The dead can own planes?

Pretty much agreed, but I’m still basically fine with it as long as they’re not giving like hour-long speeches in prime spots or anything.


High Taxes, Big Spending, Low Unemployment: Tim Walz’s Economic Record


I guess if Hillary has to be involved (she doesn’t, but it’s happening) then day one somewhere on the undercard is best. Expecting Biden to close that night; I saw him mentioned as the keynote speaker of the opening night a week or more ago. Hope we’re not going directly from Bill to Walz on day three. Though I fear that could be the plan. Wouldn’t really expect one of the direct VP runner-ups (Pete, Shapiro) to go right before Walz.

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I’d like Whitmer to get a slot. What are Ossoff/Warnock like addressing a crowd?

Clinton closing instead of Obama seems weird to me.

Oh I see, hes keynoting Tuesday, and Walz is keynoting Wed. Got it.

Obama may close Tuesday, and going earlier in the convention than Bill suggests to me that he will. Bill definitely isn’t closing a night (if this schedule is accurate) since Walz is.

EDIT: yeah your edit got it I think.

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Feels like a lock. Just a matter of how prominent her spot.

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Ossoff is another Obama clone (so pretty good). Warnock is excellent.

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I’d kill my myself on live TV before working dish.

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FFS, how do they not have at least one speaker who’s under 60? OK Kamala is 59 but you get my point. Give one of the up-and-coming Dems a spotlight, what are we even doing here.

I’m quite certain they do. These conventions have lots of speakers. This is just all we know so far. I’m still hoping very much that Hillary is not in primetime.


i want to see 3rd amendment lawsuits about this…

That should be less than 10% of speakers at the DNC. Those are just the very obvious top speakers who should be the headliners.

Where is 2004 Obama. Or better who is…