Kamala / Walz 2024



God, he wants Walz to fail so, so bad.

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Sexy mfer imo.

Also restauarant jobs are hard as shit. Back end is way harder than front and it’s not close. It’s why richie is up front and the real talent is in back. The one time I tried to work at a high end restaurant i washed out in less than 2 months. 1000x harder than what i do now.


If she loses PA and loses the race, we’re never getting away from that refrain. It will become an inarguable article of faith that she definitely would have won PA if she had done otherwise.

So yeah let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

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Your comment is just false.

I’d rephrase it to if Harris wins, he’d rather win with Shapiro and, if she has to lose, lose with Walz.



My read would be Trump liked the plane and specifically asked for it.


Back when he was bringing the fire.




Biden did fine at this recent comedy event he was a part of:


These would be your preferences if you had a good faith belief that Shapiro was a better pick than Walz. I assume that’s people who think Walz is a better pick than Shapiro have the reversed set of preferences, right?

Adam Ray does a way better Dr. Phil imo. He actually made 2 Bears 1 Cave watchable

Yah, I watch most of his Dr. Phil vids that he posts. He falls back on the same tropes most episodes, so it can get a bit stale, but Adam Ray is pretty hilarious and talented.

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From Matt Y, an interesting survey on the persuasive effect of different messages. Basically, what this survey is trying to capture is, “Which type of message is most likely to persuade voters to vote for Harris?”. The broad categories are:

  • Anti-Trump (e.g., Abortion)
  • Pro-Harris on issues that moderate Democrats would likely find appealing (e.g., tough on crime)
  • Pro-Harris on issues that progressive Democrats would likely find appealing (e.g., Child care)
  • Pro-Harris on issues that “Typical” Democrats would likely find appealing (e.g., social security)

You can argue with these categorizations (or the value of surveys in general). But if you believe this is a reasonable question to ask, the most effect messaging is aimed at “Typical” Democrats rather than trying to appeal to one of the two wings:

Probably every single person who looks at this is going to conclude that it perfectly supports what they already believed.

Edit: You can see the actual questions they use here: Harris Survey Messages - Google Sheets


Hasn’t anti-Trump: weird been hugely effective though, especially with the youngs on the interwebs? Not sure I agree with that one.

Several commenters said something similar. I think the conceptual question is something like, “If you have a 30 second ad that is going to get a lot of eyeballs, what do you want the focus of that ad to be?”.

Here’s the full anti-Trump weird language:

Donald Trump and his VP pick JD Vance are just weird. At his rallies Trump has started talking for a long time about weird topics like shark attacks and old movies about serial killers, and JD Vance keeps insulting people who haven’t had kids as cat ladies and saying they shouldn’t get a full vote in elections. It’s not too much to ask for politicians to act and talk like normal people. These weirdos and their weird ideas shouldn’t be running our country.

For me, the “weird” attack is useful only as a way to amplify why you’re not weird. “It’s weird that Trump and Vance want to monitor bathrooms. I’d rather spend my energy making sure that families can afford to put food on their table and get a good education for their kids.” I think an ad or speech that focused on anti-Trump/Vance weirdness wouldn’t be the best use of time/money.

Screenshot from 2024-08-13 10-39-10