Kamala / Walz 2024

You’re a stronger man than I.

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Eh, maybe. It was hard for me. I need to get as much mileage boasting about it as I can to make it pay off.


A gold star family talking shit can also drive somebody pretty crazy and they wouldn’t have to lug a bunch of baggage along. Being able to get in front of a mic and upset Trump is essentially the default setting for every speaker.

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summer job after 1st year of college was at a water treatment plant. most of the time mowing there and wherever else in the county.

when it rained:

-where all the water came into the plant (think every toilet flushed in many square miles) was like 10x10ft brick building that had one door that opened to a stairwell that went down 2 floors into the ground. at the bottom was lots of metal grates and rushing water below. wasn’t that bad normally, but 4 or 5 times it overflowed almost up to the top. when it receded after a day or so, the first time they made us go down and pick out all of the used condoms from the metal grating. couldn’t use a hose bc it didn’t work. at least like 100-120 condoms. the second time they told us, i said no. with emphasis.

-twice that summer, the huge pools of swirling chocolate milk (the foam was yellowish) that was getting treated, i don’t even know what happened but the result was that they had to pump it all out into these huge fields. maybe like 30 yards long and 10 yards wide, 4-5 of them. the chocolate milk would kinda turn into a jello in the sun. then after a few days they’d get a big front loader and dump it into dump trucks. but they couldn’t get it all obv, so we’d have to put on waist high boots and take snow shovels and shovel the edges/what they missed into the front loader. it was very important not to slip. and you were wearing waist high boots. and walking in brown jello.

good times.

edit to add: middle of the summer, probably 80-90 degrees. also, think about how many flies would be in all of that and triple it.


Don’t think anyone’s going to be able to top that for worst first job ever.


That sounds like a shit job.


{rainbow quote}

The idea that skill based jobs are “harder” or “easier” than physical effort based jobs seems pretty outdated. Doing physical labor fast, without mistakes, for long periods of time takes as much concentration, imagination, and creativity as building a web page or remembering someone’s order. At the same time, being “on” in front of people, dealing with the idiots of the world who see you as a speed bump to filling their belly with food, walking around carrying stuff 8 hours a day isn’t what I’d call a non-physical job either. It’s probably in some MBA’s blog post that treating back of house staff like shit and front of house staff like kings prevents labor organizing or some shit.


Telemarketing, talking to strangers on the phone? No fucking way, quit at lunch.

Calling bingo at the Muckleshoot bingo hall (before it turned into a casino). Heaviest thing you lifted was a ping pong ball. Half the night you gave money away to degenerate gamblers, the other half you smoked and drank coffee looking for someone to yell bingo. My best weekend I gave away two progressive jackpots that were both over 200k. Those got paid out in cash and floor workers always got the tips, fuckers.

Runners up-
Stage Hand - Moving heavy scenery 2 - 3 times a day, being responsible for 1 or 2 shows a season. Beat working for money.

Package Handler - 5 or 6 hour shifts sorting packages onto 1 of 3 conveyer belts based on zip code. Didn’t work there long enough to memorize the zip code chart but was getting close. Left to get paid watching people take tests at DeVry because I had a degree… in theater…

Wiper indeed…

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Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate, will address union members in Los Angeles this week on his first solo campaign stop, as the ticket solidifies its relationship with organized labor, a crucial base of support.

The Democratic campaign said that Walz will speak Tuesday at the biannual convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), one of the country’s largest public-sector unions, with more than 1 million members.



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Republicans are at least smart enough not to invite Bush and Romney to their conventions, as is their custom the Dems care more about deference to party elders than winning. Hillary is an obvious millstone around the party’s neck, Bill was caught partying with Epstein, Obama has been AWOL for a decade. Biden’s only role should be a hype man who quickly hands the mic off to Kamala.


bc when you think of hype men… :rofl::rofl:


Totally unfalsifiable that this is really even the convention organizers’ choice. Bush and Romney openly refuse to support Trump. Honestly my best guess is that Romney would be there if he was willing to play ball and give a pro-Trump speech. He’s hated by a large number of partisans for different reasons, but I’m not under the impression that he’s particularly toxic to persuadable voters. In a very hypothetical scenario where he would be willing to show up and say, “Okay, I’ve criticized Trump in the past, but we need him back in there because we have to get the Dems out of there,” I think they’d be ill-advised to turn that down. Pretty sure that wasn’t on the table though.

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You have to be about Gen-X or older to really have nostalgia for the Clintons in their heyday in the 90s. Everyone who’s Millennial or younger only knows Bill as that guy who flew around on the Lolita Express and Hillary as the candidate who somehow lost an election to the host of NBC’s The Apprentice. Let Shapiro or Big Gretch or Mayo Pete have their speaking time instead.


Yes, but…

That Gen-X or older group is a really large portion of the electorate! From Pew research:

In 2022, 36% of voters were under 50, compared with 40% of voters in 2018.

And swinging back those older voters to 2018 splits would be great:

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Trump is out there flying around on the Lolita Express and the Dems can’t use that as an attack because then they’d have to explain why they’re cool with Bill having his name all over Epstein’s flight logs. These legacy guys are dead weight that’s slowing the party down, kick them off the bus FFS.



The bottom line is likely to be as simple as delegates who would be the audience at the DNC still like the Clintons and Obama and would be psyched to see them (they won’t be the only speakers, I assume), while those at the RNC fucking hate Romney and generally don’t like Bush and at the same time, Romney and Bush hate Trump, so they wouldn’t show, anyway.