Kamala / Walz 2024


GOATBama definitely still loved by everyone in that audience.

Iā€™ve had an easy job life compared to you lot


Thereā€™s no question that Obama is an absolute must to speak at the DNC. And having Biden in the lineup is perfectly understandable. Putting Hillary Clinton in any sort of significant speaking role would be an unforced error; I struggle to see it any other way. The article isnā€™t super clear on exactly what people will be doing though. Pretty sure I read elsewhere that Biden will be the keynote on night one, which seems about right.



I was just disagreeing with lumping them all together in one toxic stew.

Sure. Weā€™re on the same page. It would be crazy not to use Obama in a prominent speaking role.

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To be fair, there are people who could rightly lump Obama in with the rest of them for defensible reasons, but those people are not really establishment enough to be attending the DNC. They are also far fewer in number than people who regard Obama highly.

If we are talking first jobs. Rural kid checking in.

Worst job.

Travelling out to a remote travel station for hay bailing. Collecting hay and manually stacking it up on the large trucks. Shredded the fuck out of my hands arms elbows and legs. Whats worse is were paid per bale, and we were bad at it and one of the trucks tipped over on the way back. Got paid about a dollar an hour, plus spent 3 days away on the station.

Best job.

Picking up trash by the side of the highway. It was pretty sparse, so we would ride on the back of a ute (pickup) Jump off to grab some trash, then run to try and catch the truck while your mate drove off and made you work.


I picked strawberries a bit as a teenager and was paid by the box. It was brutal. I could pick at best half as many as the mostly Vietnamese immigrants who were doing it. And they did it every day all season while I was just trying to pick up a few bucks and donā€™t think I ever did it two days in a row.

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Yeah, I mean the primary point of the DNC is how well it plays on TV, and I expect the DNC crowd to react relatively positively to everyone, including the Clintons. There wonā€™t be a Ted Cruz ā€œvote your conscienceā€ speech, so nobody is getting booed or anything. Until I see otherwise, I assume that Obama still has his fastball and will crush his speech, and that it will be part of the feel-good momentum building of the convention that will play its part in assisting the convention bounce.

Bidenā€™s sitting VP does not have cause to bury Biden from the lineup even if his popularity isnā€™t at super high levels, particularly as sheā€™s shouting him out in all of her stump speeches now. Especially when much of what depresses Bidenā€™s present popularity among the public at large isnā€™t driven by feelings of personal dislike for him. Keeping Bush as hidden as possible in the 2008 RNC made sense, but hiding Biden in 2024 wouldnā€™t really.

Bill Clinton gave a strong convention speech in 2012, but seemed weaker in 2016, and itā€™s now eight years later than that and heā€™s getting old. I only watched the 2020 virtual convention here and there, so I donā€™t remember how his part went. Anyway, beyond the fact that I donā€™t think of him as widely well-liked despite the fact that he was broadly popular upon leaving office 24 years ago, I donā€™t make the same ā€œstill has his fastballā€ assumption that I make about Obama as a speaker, and he is surely not as beloved. I get making a place in the lineup for a living President from the party who is still able-bodied, but he should be de-emphasized. I canā€™t really come up with a justification for using Hillary at all, so I just have to hope itā€™s a minor role since it seems theyā€™ve made their choice.

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Also, based on SOTU, he can do a decent job with a teleprompter and some practice. Or at least he could ~6 months ago.

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Mango picking equally brutal. With the added fun of ā€œsap burnā€.

The sap from mangos will cause the skin on your hands to scab up like some kind of horror movie monstrosity. But it takes a few days.

So literally every new worker

Everyone: ā€œwatch out for the sap. It will burn your skinā€

New worker. Gets a little bit of sap on hands. No issues.

ā€œWhatever. Iā€™ll be fineā€

Two days later. Hands are wrecked.

I was gonna post a picture, but itā€™s gross.


Iā€™d let Hillary do a 10 minute (max) spiel on ā€œwomenā€™s rights are human rightsā€ with a focus on reproductive freedom issues. Sheā€™s still popular with the Womenā€™s March crowd and thereā€™s defintely going to be a part of the convention focusing on birth control, IVF, abortion, etc so I think sheā€™d be fine as part of a lineup that addresses those topics.


Even right after the debate he was good enough on prompter in front of a friendly crowd.


At 10am on wednesday sure


What they donā€™t understand is that weā€™re simply ecstatic that itā€™s no longer Biden.


Worked construction for a year, and there was no greater motivator to go back and get a college degree.


I started construction about when I turned 40.

Serious question: Who is the target audience for the speakers? Is it those in attendance, or those watching at home? If itā€™s the former, by all means let Hillary speak. If itā€™s the latter, I think itā€™s more to lose than gain imo

Counterpoint: Hilary talking shit on national TV will drive a certain somebody pretty crazyā€¦


ā€œIā€™m with herā€ reboot imo