Kamala / Walz 2024

yeah, I almost put some money on Masto last night but got distracted and forgot. Glad I didn’t.

I really think Klob is done after this (and I don’t think her odds were great to begin with).

Biden might be senile, but he knows he’s the nominee because of black people.


y’all really want to know why I dislike Klob? Not just because she’s klob, but because of this shit:

10 points to Griffyndor if anyone can tell me what’s wrong with that fucking article. Fuck the media and how they slobber all over her. To the point of not even being correct.

Sorry ya boy didn’t get full weasel credit.

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Like, I guess it’s ok that CNN is fanfiction now, because we can’t have people remember the history-making gay candidate who had “a number of delegates” >>> Amy Klobuchar.

The headline is a bit misleading, in that article that case ended up in a grand jury who didn’t press charges (though she was in the senate then, courts take a long ass time).

General point where she didn’t prosecute cops is correct though.

Is Tulsi not in the radar? I really thought she had a shot given the Principle of Maximum Lulz, which seems to govern every eDem decision. Then again, she might actually be a strategically smart pick.

Technically Hillary would be max lulz but that would completely give away the fact that we’re living in a sim.

I can most easily picture him choosing Kamala, but that would violate the PML due to lack of comedic value.

Therefore, I’m going with Klob.

“Listen here, Corn Pop, if you’re looting over one bad cop then you ain’t black!”

Max lulz might be nominating a white male after promising to pick a woman. Imagine Biden picking Buttigieg, then trying to defend it by claiming that picking a homosexual is almost like picking a woman.


nah he’ll pick a woman. If it’s Klob, i will move to canada. Seriously, because I can. And I’ll have to because Trump will win.

GOPete made history by being one of the only losers to drop out of a race to endorse a guy with less delegates, what a massive turd

Establishment Dems making terrible decisions? I’m not surprised at all.

What do we think, UP? I’m torn. on one hand, there’s the excitement factor. People aren’t excited about Joe, but if he brings in the people they were excited about, it spills over to him. On the other hand, we gain an entire cabinet-full of potential liabilities for GOP attack dogs to slobber over.

In fact, although Biden’s primary-campaign events were often sleepy, arguably his most compelling appearances came in the 48 hours before Super Tuesday, when he appeared in Dallas with Buttigieg and Klobuchar, and then in Detroit with Whitmer, Harris, and Booker. Ceding more of the spotlight to those rising figures didn’t so much marginalize as energize Biden. The events cast him in a role that seemed very natural: the unifying conductor of a broad transformation, not the solitary visionary who will transform the nation by his singular force of will.

We’d love to have you in Canada. You seem like a good person so you should come live here in a society of decent people. Er, just don’t ask us about how we treat Native Canadians. We don’t talk about that.

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I think that it would be beneficial having individual members of a shadow cabinet attack Trump from all sides on all issues. Since Trump likes to make everything ad hominem, it would dilute his go to tools to have a ton of targets.

I already have my golden ticket

really need to work on getting my passport now


Come on up to Toronto, eh? We’ll go to the Leafs and watch 'em lose.

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My mom was born there (which is why I have citizenship), and I think we still have cousins in Ajax.

However, if we didn’t go to BC or Alberta, I’d never convince my husband because it’s where the good skiing is.

I hate that song.

Of course you do, statist.