Kamala / Walz 2024

Assuming this is directed at me, my post actually had nothing to do with Bernie or his supporters. It’s in reference to the creatures who simutaneously want to hold the position that Warren is wildly unpopular but also is so popular that if she had simply dropped out, all of her supporters would have elected Bernie in a landslide. (The LANDSLIDE was in all caps because that’s the way Trump wrote it when he made that exact claim).


You’re underselling the stupidity of the argument. It’s what you say PLUS the following. Warren supporters are all corporatist neoliberal shills, but also, if Warren would have dropped out after SC, Bernie would have captured the super majority of her votes he needed to narrowly win Texas and Massachusetts, with Biden only getting maybe 25% of her voters.

There are only 50 governors. Lol.

the country is definitely a worse place because of Warren’s actions over the last 6 months, some people are upset about that

I’m sure MSNBC will be here any second with pundit jobs for you both-siders tho. Just denounce your shitty corporate candidate or accept that you’re fighting against the working class.

One day we’ll find out what Warren promised Karla Jurvetson for that 15 million.

I accounted for that in my post. She had the election stolen, literally.


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This is only if you assume she cost Bernie the primary which, no matter how many times you claim it to be obvious, is just not backed up by actual evidence. Is it possible? Sure. It is obvious. Of course not.


Now Greenberg — who popularized the term “Reagan Democrats” and came to prominence as Bill Clinton’s lead pollster — is urging Joe Biden’s team to heed the same advice.


Greenberg’s polling is not an outlier. A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll released this week showed Warren boosting Biden’s candidacy the most of any potential choice, particularly among people under 45 and black and Hispanic voters. And an April USA Today/Suffolk poll similarly found that 22 percent of Sanders voters would vote for a third-party candidate, Trump, or not vote at all.

I don’t understand.

Don’t these people ever die?

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I think what they’re missing is Bernie would still have gotten swept March 17 (AZ/IL/FL) and if still running (definitely possible) he’s still down heading into PA/MD (and DC) on Jun 2 where he has no chance against Biden HU so I don’t know how he’d make up the difference especially with GA next week and DE/LA still on the board with the data we have. He couldn’t win NY/NJ by enough of a margin even if he did win those.

Reminds me of the people who said poker was rigged the time they lost with AA or whatever except in this case it’s closer to shoving a spade flush draw shove on the flop didn’t get there and insisting it’s rigged because they didn’t pull 10 red cards out of the deck first. To me the annoying thing is simply this–everything is all someone else’s fault and is rigged against them. Now where have I heard that before? You’d think trump himself would’ve started that.

My post was supposed to have a picture with it. Fixed it.

From Chris Cillizza:
10. Whitmer
9. Abrams
8. Grisham
7. Rice
6. Bottoms
5. Demings
4. Masto
3. Warren
2. Klob

  1. Harris

So it’s Whitmer or Abrams then.


It’s gonna be Duckworth, I just know it

I’m very surprised at this:

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Masto withdraws from VP consideration

twitter is having a firestorm over klob because she didn’t go after the cops in MN as a prosecutor

which always tempts me to bet the opposite of what twitter thinks…

wow, that surprises me too. She was one of my frontrunners, tbh.

Especially with the bad press that some of the other frontrunners have received recently (Grisham, Whitmer, Klob).

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the VP market has kicked my *** so far, yes klob/demings/duckworth/grisham (not enough on demings to overcome the losses), no warren/harris/everyone else facepalm (I ended up bailing out of warren/harris they’re going to be in the running for awhile…)