Kamala / Walz 2024

That dude calls Bernie antisemitic.

Nah, just that this weekend seems to be the interview portion of the pageant.

My friend just got home from a trip to PA, which is why this was on the top of his mind.

That seems to be a sensationalized description in the tweet. This is the headline of the article:

And then the article itself just describes the ongoing PR campaign against him. I was hoping based on the tweet that there were sources indicating that the possibility has actually soured, but as far as I can tell thereā€™s nothing of the type in the article.

I donā€™t think itā€™s about people who would directly flip because of the Gaza stance. Agreed there arenā€™t enough people for that to matter.

Iā€™m more worried about it becoming A Thing that causes a disturbance in the vibes. I could definitely see it becoming a distraction. Same for the sexual harassment story.

Shapiro actually seems pretty good to me otherwise, but thereā€™s only 95 days to the election. If any of that time is spent on news cycles about Gaza or sexual harassment, thatā€™s not good imo.


This is kind of the crux of it. Do you think Harris is making a mistake concluding (if she has) that picking Shapiro will help her win Pennsylvania, or do you think she should pick someone else even if Shapiro is the best bet to win Pennsylvania?

Even if youā€™re picking the VP solely based on EV of winning, I donā€™t think itā€™s at all clear that Shapiro is the right pick.

Letā€™s say he does give you a 0.5% to 2% boost in PA. Thatā€™s important, sure. But Pennsylvania is by no means guaranteed to be the tipping point state. In fact I thought I saw somewhere that it was only like a 35% chance? May be misremembering.

But yeah, for example Walz might be an improvement on Shapiro by like 0.5% or more in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Lots of variables and possible paths.

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Win probability shouldnā€™t be the only consideration, but if we assume that it is, yea I think itā€™s generally a mistake to try to appease centrists and never Trumpers at the expense of leftists, and I view choosing Shapiro as an example of that mistake. I donā€™t know enough about Pennsylvania to know whether he materially improves the chances of winning PA but canā€™t imagine a small percent increase there outweighs turning people off.

Sees 40+ new replies

Jumps in hoping to see a VP pick

Instead sees another challenger bite the dust

Iā€™ll take a Pete win by attrition!!

Plus he has already survived some fake allegations. Bring it. Bring it.

I donā€™t think anyone in the conversation has bitten the dust.

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I do find it odd that weā€™ve reached a point where weā€™re getting reporting that Pritzker has reached the formal interview stage and has not been getting talked about even a little bit.

From this article talking about Beshear being a finalist being interviewed, his name is thrown in.

The others who have qualified for interviews with Harrisā€™ team include Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly.

I saw it in another article earlier too. If his name is at all serious in the convo, I would think there would be some sort of effort at floating more of a trial balloon to see what reaction he gets.


Yes, account is biased, but stillā€¦I cling to hope




Yes Iā€™m using a bit of hyperbole, but I also think this is the kind of story that could make a dent in someoneā€™s chances. I donā€™t like seeing that the woman who brought forward the allegations lost her job and revived a payout, though it does appear she still supports Shapiro.

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I agree that it hurts his chances as well as hurts his strength as a running mate if she goes ahead anyway, and for that matter my brutally uneducated gut feeling is that heā€™s quite overvalued at 71 on PI. But if we were getting a drumroll announcement of the person right now, I wouldnā€™t be able to help but think thatā€™s still the most likely name Iā€™d hear at the end of it.

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exactly this.

Also, Kal Penn is Team Pete and actually wrote one of the best articles with the most well-articulated reasoning that Iā€™ve seen.


also, @RiskyFlush and anyone else who might be interested, weā€™re doing the zoom call thing this evening, feel free to join us and see some of the joy and belonging that drove the campaign in 2020 and the reason weā€™re ready to be warriors for Kamala (whoever she picks)


Ty I just might attend


I wonā€™t read too much into the fact that ā€œTruthā€ and ā€œSubstanceā€ are the faintest to read.

Itā€™s probably taken from the original poster, which was a dark blue background, heh

For those who donā€™t know the pictures, itā€™s Malcom Kenyatta (PA state rep), Steve Adler, former mayor of Austin, FL state Rep Christine Hunchofsky (former mayor of Parkland, FL when the shooting happened), Will Rollins (Dem candidate for CA-41), Christopher Caboldon, former mayor of West Sacramento and now running for CA state senate, and Rep Pat Ryan, from a NY swing district.

Itā€™ll also be streaming on Youtube, Iā€™ll post that as soon as I get it

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