Kamala / Walz 2024

I’m not hearing a good argument for Shapiro besides “popular in Pennsylvania”.

I’m skeptical on how well that translates to actually winning the state, and it comes off as a little desperate to made that choice with that as the primary reason.

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Hunger games for vp happening this weekend.


For sure, that’s what I mean by indicating what they care about (targeting Pennsylvania) and what they don’t care about (throwing anyone vaguely left a bone). Which will make the complaints about leftists not sufficiently voting incredibly annoying.

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I just don’t think the VP selection is the only way to “throw the left a bone”

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Totally agree. It’s just the last bone left and I’m grasping at straws.

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Thanks - for clarity, when I wrote “no impact” what I intended was to mean was no impact in the outcome of the election in the state. Sure, Paul Ryan may have “helped” Mitt lose Wisconsin by 7 instead of by 9. Well done, Paul!

I would probably go looking for left wing bone throws over on the policy side, item by item, rather than looking for some grand dramatic gesture like picking a VP that is overtly left wing (Bernie or AOC, I guess?). If you’re going to do stuff like purity test Harris on her VP pick, you’re just going to be miserable for the next several months.


I’m extremely skeptical Shapiro’s Gaza stance will influence a material number of otherwise flippable votes.

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So I just heard from a friend who works at Axios that local media in PA is blasting Shapiro for the SA settlement thing. Hasn’t really gone wide nationally, but he seemed pretty sure that would hurt his VP chances.

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They’ve already indicated that their policies are to the right. No healthcare, more border cops, etc. I’m not purity testing over the VP choice, I’d be perfectly satisfied with a Walz type. I’m frustrated at their decisions about who they want to target and who they don’t care about alienating, and their VP choice is just one example of that (whoever it ends up being, but particularly Shapiro).

It’s just Dems continuing to think their path to electoral victory is tacking to the right to capture suburbanites and ignoring everyone else. I think it’s a poor short term decision and a horrible long term decision, as Republicans pretending to be populist will continue to gain working class support.



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Yeah, maybe I’m Centrist Pilled or too cynical (or both) but I think that it’s a bit of a fool’s errand to go chasing single issue pro-Palestine purity testers. Most of those people live in blue states that she’s going to win even if they don’t show up. Others that will not vote for Harris if she is not strong enough on Palestine are the people that are quite unlikely to vote no matter what because they are prone to looking for a purity test and everybody fails one eventually.

I would also like for our political representatives across the board to more strongly condemn Israel’s brutal treatment of innocent Palestinians, but I can understand not making it a central policy position in a Presidential election. It’s even arguably worse for Palestinians to increase the probability of a Trump victory by doing so.


I think these are very reasonable points, thanks. The final policy platform will be literally hundreds of items, I would just encourage you to go look at all of those items when they come out because there will be more good stuff. I really think it’s a bad idea to just consume the inevitable shit cyclone of despair on the internet when every Harris position is broadcast as “not left enough” - both by hard working left wingers, but also by an army of conservative operatives that are trying to get you to surrender to despair because hopelessness is one of their keys to victory.

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These Progressives don’t want a Jew. Let’s say it out loud. Imagine if moderate Dems said they didn’t want a certain minority. The condemnations would be deafening. Yet now we hear much silence.

Oh fuck all the way off.

Progressives not wanting a certain person who happens to be Jewish is not the same as not wanting a Jew.

I don’t think the progressives would be complaining nearly as much if it was Jamie Raskin under consideration.


How few of the hundreds are allowed to be left-ish before I’m allowed to feel despair?

I’m telling you, if Shapiro isn’t picked, it’s not going to have anything to do with I/P.

It’s gonna be because of the staff SA settlement and his stance on school vouchers

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The Progressives don’t want THIS Jew

This Jew would be excellent

So, FU Jared.


Do you have any inside info on which way the winds are blowing?