Kamala / Walz 2024

Is AOC ineligible due to age?

She is only 30 (turns 31 in October) and you must be 35 at the time of taking office to be vice-president.

Yeah. 12th amendment says that to be VP you must be eligible to be president. This is not true for cabinet positions, where if youā€™re ineligible they just skip over you in the line of succession like Elaine Chao.


Actually it is.

Trump lost MN by less than 45k votes.

Plus KLOB could have some sort of appeal to weirdo suburban moms in the upper Midwest that Biden needs to win OH/WI/PA/MI

Why the hell does Biden need Klobā€™s help to win WI/MI/PA?

Wasnā€™t the whole point of Bidenā€™s candidacy that he could win back those states?

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Yeah, his appeal is that heā€™s just a regular JOE who wonā€™t rock the boat and lots of people who hate Hillary (read: millions of white folks) would be willing to vote for him especially with Trump fucking up so badly this year.

Heā€™s a good candidate, in theory, in this cycle vs. Trump.

That said, thereā€™s a chance the recent allegations (increasingly and obviously incredible though they may be) could suppress the white suburban female vote. Klob hammers that constituency.

I was on the ā€œBiden is the best candidate on paper vs Trumpā€ bandwagon from the very beginning. Iā€™d still be on it if he didnā€™t turn into a senile dotard.

I think thatā€™s a much bigger problem for him than the accusations.

Iā€™m reminded of the old pork marketing campaign: Biden, the other senile dotard.

If Joe canā€™t win PA/MI/WI on his own regardless of who the VP selection is, then he is an absolutely horrendous candidate this cycle. He would basically be Hillary 2.0, except he would actually be worse considering that everyone knows exactly what the Trump presidency is like.


Hillary had a massive GOTV operation and her strategy of attacking Trump (and not talking about herself b/c she was self-aware enough to know ppl hated her) was fine, she just made enormous tactical errors in ignoring the Midwest.

She was not a bad candidate. She was the best losing candidate since Gore.

Sounds like Joe needs to pick Hilldawg as VP. Theyā€™d be unstoppable!

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Yeah, except for the sheā€™s hated part it would prob work. Klob is as inoffensive as a hot dish on a cold day, as her daddy used to say.

The people who are going to decide this election are going to wake up on game day and decide who to vote for. Which is incomprehensible but true. Iā€™m firmly in the ā€œVP pick can basically only hurt youā€ camp, and think Biden should pick someone totally inoffensive. Whitmer seems like a good choice. Klob is probably fine. I would not pick a black woman, so easy to scare midwestern idiots.

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When do we start building statues and having parades?

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I like Whitmer (both as a pick and person) but not sure this computes. Sheā€™s pretty fiery.

Eh, not so sure about this.

I think the people that decide this election might be the really busy people working two jobs who are going to wonder if itā€™s worth standing in line for a long time to cast a single vote.

Good thing we are (probably) at an all time low in that category then!

uh thats kinda a hot take, maybe ā€œthereā€™s no black women who come to mind right now who would be a strong pick for VPā€? :thinking:

There are plenty of black women who would be fantastic Vice Presidents / Presidents, obviously. Come on.