Kamala / Walz 2024

Nailed it.

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Lol in what universe is Biden “Far left.”?






That’s going to go right over his head.




So who’s actually the best pick to help him win? I assume one of the Latinas, but seems doubtful they pick one.
Whitmer seems better than Klob and actually in a swing state.
I know basically nothing about Val or her politics but she’s probably the best of the black women?Lol Kamala

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I think the latinas are the best choices politically. Unfortunately, no one knows who they are, which is truly unfortunate. Grisham is more progressive than Joe, and I’m convinced if the left wing of the party got to know more about her, they’d appreciate her. Masto is Harry Reid’s current fave, and he’s super-influential.

Case in point: 2018 is when Grisham was elected governor.

However, this is a new and strange world where public opinion is driven by twitter likes and vice versa, It’s probably going to be Kamala Harris (who I would prefer at AG, but hey whatever)

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I think this is true too (if I was forced to bet money on it).

I mean I have no idea who that person that said Biden was far left. Joke’s on me I guess.


giphy (21)

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Who knows with this question as nobody checks all the boxes.

Abrams doesn’t have experience so she’s probably out. Val seems to be who pelosi is pushing so this forum going to automatically hate her without knowing anything else about her. Warren seems to be the fav among dems overall but black turnout is already going to be a problem and Joe definitely needs to target that demographic (thanks Biden for saying something incredibly stupid on that today, please go back into the basement stop talking thanks). [in a bit of fairness to the people angry that Joe is just staying in the basement–I don’t know what else he should do as he’s at the stage where talking can only hurt him]

Klob probably leading in the biden camp as she checks a lot of the old school boxes though the twitter aplomb over her being one of like 12 people they’re going to start vetting was a bit over the top. Until they realize she’s not going to turnout anyone black and I don’t think barack campaigning with joe is going to be enough with that.

Latinas ideal of course but like sky said even I don’t know who the hell they are and I’m definitely in the 1% of following this shit so they’re probably all out just from that.

For whatever reason, I’m gathering that experience is the #1 thing voters are looking for overall in Joe’s VP. Considering trump vs hillary is still zero vs a shit ton of it and that didn’t matter I don’t know how this party thinks that way but they do.

Abrams would’ve been my pick from a balance perspective, black lady who isn’t boring, joe is boring, every other VP candidate is either boring or has zero name recognition but it seems dem voters do not agree.

I realize only the VP is on the ticket, but as every candidate seems to have her weaknesses, I thunk the right strategy seems to be to run with a shadow cabinet. Announce Warren as VP, but at the same time announce you will nominate Kamala as AG and Julian Castro, Stacy Abrams and Bernie (or a different set of people to collectively tick all the boxes) to other cabinet positions.
I think it is usually not done in the US, but the Dems seem to need unity right now.


If Biden wasn’t hemmed in by his pledge to pick a woman, would there be a good candidate who ticks off all the other non-gender boxes that people want?

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The Dems are unified. They haven’t brought in all the Jill Stein voters, but it’s a bad idea to give more than you get.

Julian Castro?

  • Latino
  • Executive experience
  • In Obama cabinet
  • Under 50
  • More progressive than many of the names being thrown around right now

The boxes to check seem to be female, African American, Latino/a and Leftie.
Honestly I would probably go with Kamala Harris and announce Bernie for Secretary if Labour, Julian Castro as some Covid 19 community relief czar and Warren as special secretary for kicking Wall Street‘s ass. Maybe Stacy Abrams for interior and an announcement of a Fair Voting Rights Act or whatever.
Radical enough to mobilize different interest groups, but conservative enough at the top to not scare away donors.

If it’s not a woman he’s the clear best pick

Either of the Castro brothers, Eric Garcetti, Michele Lujan Grisham (I still think she’s the most-qualified hispanic person of either gender).

Cory Booker also comes to mind.

If you’re truly worried about the midwest, the LGBT guy who won Iowa might be a choice .

The fact that no one outside of their districts knows any good Latina politicians is a pretty big red flag about what needs to happen up and down the ballot and in the media in this country.

I refuse to use “latinx” because every single one of the latino volunteers and friends i met over the past year on this campaign absolutely hates it and I respect that

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Using simply latin instead of latinx makes much more sense to me.

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