Kamala / Walz 2024




I guess Walz is fine but Pete will really rustle the Dei jimmies. LFG!!!

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Tim Walz looking pretty strong. I tried to find some Dem divided votes to judge him on from when he was in the House and the only one I could find was the FISA renewal for warrantless surveillance. It was 65 yeas to 119 nays for the Dems and he was one of the nays. Dems like Bernie, Leahy, Warren, Merkley, Waters, Khanna, Pocan were nays and Dems like Feinstein, Pelosi, Heitcamp, Schiff, Sinema, Wasserman Schultz, Manchin, Schumer were yeas.


Immediately coming out as anti single payer, pro fracking, pro border fundingā€¦ seems like theyā€™re just going to say ā€œfuck the leftā€ again and go straight centrist. That probably rules out Walz

Was that thing about fracking and single payer from Kamala real? I guess I just closed my eyes and scrolled after noticing that.

Yeah, probably no Walz and if they do pick him, it probably means he is really as flexible as Kamala and Pete are.

It linked a NYT article so I assume itā€™s legit. Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised if so, but Iā€™m still disappointed somehow. Jokeā€™s on me, probably

Sad, and repeating myself, but Iā€™d prefer Biden to Harris as POTUS, but if Biden was going to lose, itā€™s better to have a shot at not-Trump.


This guy should never speak again outside of Micro Machine commercials or cattle auctions.

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I sort of agree with this, like if I could just be the sole decision maker, I would snap take 2020 Joe Biden. And I do think history will rank him pretty highly. But 2024 Joe Biden is just not a good candidate at all.

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When I say the people want Pete, I wish more people would believe me

And itā€™s because of stuff like this:


Full interview (actually a great convoā€¦especially toward the end about the economy and Labor)


Iā€™m Pete pilled. And Iā€™m not blaming him for Afghanistan, but can we please not celebrate going to Afghanistan as service to his country.

Service in an unjust war is not admirable.


Okay, perhaps he really did voluntarily bow out days ago and we werenā€™t clued in. Anyway, the result is all the same; heā€™s out.


North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper opted not to be a candidate in Vice President Kamala Harrisā€™ running mate search in part due to concerns that his Republican lieutenant governor would try to assume control if he left the state to campaign as part of the Democratic ticket, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Cooper confirmed in a statement Monday night that he would not be a candidate to be Harrisā€™ vice president, saying he was ā€œhonoredā€ to be considered but ā€œthis just wasnā€™t the right time for North Carolina and for me to potentially be on a national ticket.ā€ The governor, 67, withdrew from contention well before Harrisā€™ vetting process began and never submitted the requisite material, according to two of the people. All three spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive search process.

These governor/LG splits can be crazy. I think Idaho had a situation with a GOP governor and an even crazier GOP LG where the LG took advantage in this way when the governor left the state. Never would have guessed at this being a primary reason that Cooper was kind of a non-starter.

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You donā€™t get to pick and choose where you go. You go where they send you.

There are a lot of complicated reasons people join the military. I wonā€™t rehash Peteā€™s reasons (itā€™s in his book and he talked about it a lot during his campaign), but sometimes when you sign up to serve your country, you do what youā€™re ordered to because thatā€™s your job, but it doesnā€™t mean you come out the same, or even feeling the same about that service.

ā€œService in an unjust war is not admirableā€ is giving a lot of ā€œVietnam vets are babykillersā€ energy and Iā€™m really not down for that.


Iā€™ll expand, and then let it go, because I think we arenā€™t that far apart.

Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s service in an unjust war is dishonorable or bad (it can be) Iā€™m saying that itā€™s not good.

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He had a choice when he went to Afghanistan for McKinsey.

He wasnā€™t drafted. He joined the military in 2009 at 27 years old to go to war after everything known about Iraq and Afghanistan and to put it in absolutely the best light possible, it was because heā€™s a striver and thought it would help a future career in politics.


He tell you that, did he? I know you didnā€™t watch the video I just posted, because Jon Stewart gave a perfect argument against what you JUST did in that post.

Here, Iā€™ll post it again. Itā€™s at 1:57, you donā€™t even have to watch the whole thing.

ā€œwho are you to tell whatā€™s in someone elseā€™s heartā€¦?ā€

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Giving him the benefit of doubt that he didnā€™t want to use his immense language skills to translate what people said while they were being tortured.