Kamala / Walz 2024

Fair enough. Do you think he would be well suited to any particular higher cabinet positions?

BTW my big proposal for reform is that if your state doesnā€™t have enough people to have at least 4 reps, you get relegated to the B league of states and lose your senators until you get promoted again by getting lots of immigrants.


Not really sure. He does have a military background and has built up some credentials in national security, but heā€™s so young that Iā€™m not sure how well his resume stacks up against people who have held the highest jobs in that area (State and Defense). My suspicion just based on his age is not that well, but I could be wrong.

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Iā€™d like him for state. I think heā€™d be a really good diplomat, strategic thinker, and communicator of policy. He has enough military background to interract with defense and security issues. Plus a couple years meeting world leaders, working on big issues and learning more foreign languages seems like good training for POTUS (at least when it comes to what I like in candidates)


These Cabinets include:

  • Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Department of the Interior (DOI)
  • Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of State
  • Department of Transportation (DOT)
  • Department of the Treasury
  • Department of Veteran Affairs

I like him for State too. Maybe also Veteran Affairs. I would just feel weird (:smiley:) if he wasnā€™t given at least a lateral transfer to a new position.

Even in those states where the number of senators is more than the number of reps, being a senator is way more prestigious.

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Nah pretty sure the reps from those states can make the senators carry their bags around. They also get dibs on the last slice of pizza.

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Certainly one of the best possible for corporate US interests abroad, at any cost to people :+1:


I really dislike Buttigieg and might be willing to buy him at that price as a life hedge.



Yeah, I donā€™t share your dislike of Pete but I struggle to imagine that his odds are truly sub-10%. Of course, I know nothing, I think most people know nothing except that a handful of people are clearly publicly auditioning for the spot, Pete among them.

I donā€™t bet politics, but honestly Iā€™d also be inclined to take a 1% flier on someone like Pritzker too.

Picking a billionaire would be SO bad.

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Yeah I canā€™t disagree with this. Honestly, youā€™re just raising this fact of his billionaire status to my attention. Iā€™ve been vaguely aware of him being the Illinois governor and I saw him do a cable hit last night that basically amounted to ā€œnon-painful rendition of the hits Beshear has been doing,ā€ so it got in my head that he might be a sleeper if the conventional wisdom has been wrong.

Do you love your insurance?

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Seems like a no brainer to make Pete Secretary of Mail

Speaking ofā€¦



Just because heā€™s gay you want to make him a male secretary??


And then there were 5.

(I guess thereā€™s still a non-zero chance for an absolutely out of left field choice, but I highly doubt theyā€™re going to be that stupid. Itā€™s gotta be in Beshear/Kelly/Pete/Shapiro/Walz at this point.)

Engaging with what feels like the worst-case realistic scenario here by looking up what old Andy is doing this week.

Heā€™s pretty much a soggy piece of toast, but Iā€™ll say itā€™s less painful when heā€™s just pushing the positive Harris lines and not attempting zingers.

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Bring it.